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The Finnish word for plain is


Translations for plain and their definitions

     1. adj. clear
     2. adj. free
     3. adj. sober
     4. adj. distinct
     5. adj. plain
     6. adj. obvious
     7. adj. unmistakable
     8. adj. lucid
     9. adj. evident
     10. interj. selvä!
     11. interj. all right (used to affirm, indicate agreement, or consent).
           Selvä, mennäänpä sitten.
     12. interj. * All right, let's go then.

     1. adj. (Unusual, the first sens though) Of one, unique, single, singular.
     2. adj. simple, basic
     3. adj. absolute
           yksinkertainen enemmistö = absolute majority
     4. adj. simple minded

     1. adj. ordinary
     2. adj. usual
     3. adj. normal (usual; ordinary).
           Felicia leipoi leivän tavalliseen tapaan.
              Felicia baked the bread the normal way.
     4. adj. trivial (common, ordinary)
     5. adj. habitual (being regular or usual).
           Professori Franklein otti tavallisen paikkansa kokouspöydässä.
              Professor Franklein took his habitual seat at the conference table.
     6. adj. random (from population at large).
     7. adj. plain (ordinary; lacking adornment or ornamentation).
           tavallinen hampurilainen
              a plain hamburger
     8. adj. standard
           Tämä on tavallinen toimintatapamme.
              This is our standard procedure.

     1. n. (geography) plain, flatland
     2. adv. - + the suffix -ko

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