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The Filipino word for cup is


Translations for cup and their definitions

     1. n. cup (especially with a holder)
     2. n. (cooking) cup; cupful (unit of measurement)
     3. n. act of sharpening (of something blunt, such as a blade, pencil, etc.)
     4. n. sharpened point (of something previously blunt, such as a blade, pencil, etc.)
     5. adj. sharpened (of a pointed object that has become blunt)
     6. n. act of assessing or appraising (the value for taxation purposes)
     7. n. assessed value of a property; assessment
     8. n. act of limiting to the minimum (as of expenses, supplies, etc.)
     9. n. act of dieting; self-control in eating
     10. n. act of fixing the price of something
     11. n. price fixed (for a certain product, commodity, etc.)

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