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English Phrase of the Day

pour out


English > English
pour out
     1. v. To serve a drink into a cup or glass.
           I poured out three beers for my guests.
     2. v. To distribute or spread (something), as if it were a liquid.
     3. v. To leave a place quickly, and in large numbers.
           The rats came pouring out of every possible opening in the burning warehouse.
     4. v. To talk volubly and deeply. Usually implies telling the truth.
           She started crying, and she poured out the whole story, right from the beginning.
     1. v. To cause to flow in a stream, as a liquid or anything flowing like a liquid, either out of a vessel or into it.
           to pour water from a pail
           to pour wine into a decanter
           to pour oil upon the waters
           to pour out sand or dust.
           See also individual phrasal verbs such as come out, go out, put out, take out, pull out, and so on.
     1. adv. Away from the inside or the centre.
           The magician pulled the rabbit out of the hat.
     2. adv. Away from home or one's usual place.
           Let's eat out tonight

Example Sentences

As I continued to pour out my heart in this letter, I could barely hold back the tears, in fact I couldn't, and a couple actually dropped onto the letter and smudged the ink. 

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