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     [1] Personalpronomen 3. Person Plural Subjektform: sie
     [2] Menschen im Allgemeinen
     [3] (geschlechtsneutrales) Personalpronomen 3. Person Singular Subjektform: er/sie
          [1] They are going to the movies.
            Sie gehen ins Kino.
          [2] They say rock is dead.
            Sie sagen, Rock ist tot. oder Es wird behauptet, Rock sei tot.
          [3] And whoso fyndeth hym out of swich blame, / They wol come up and offre a Goddés name, / And I assoille hem by the auctoriee / Which that by bulle y-graunted was to me.
          [3] There's not a man I meet but doth salute me / As if I were their well-acquainted friend.
          [3] Then shalt thou bring forth that man or that woman, which have committed that wicked thing, unto thy gates, even that man or that woman, and shalt stone them with stones, till they die.
            so sollst du den Mann oder das Weib ausführen, die solches Übel getan haben, zu deinem Tor und sollst sie zu Tode steinigen.
          [3] ‘No – there was some one in the cab.’ The only attenuation she could think of was after a minute to add: ‘But they didn't come up.’
     Konjugierte Form:
     Präteritum (simple past) des Verbs 'go'
          [1] gehen, sich fortbewegen: gehen, fahren, fliegen…
          [2] go by (something): mit (etwas) fahren/fliegen
          [3] go by (X): (X) heißen, unter dem Namen (X) gehen / bekannt sein
          [4] gehen, weggehen: einen Ort oder eine Zusammenkunft verlassen
          [5] Befehlsform (Imperativ) bei Rennen, Wettkämpfen: los!
               [1] Yesterday I went to school very early.
                 Gestern ging ich sehr früh zur Schule.
               [1] At Easter George and I went to Ireland for the weekend with John and Cynthia Lennon. We flew from Heathrow to Shannon
                 Zum Osterwochenende flogen / reisten George und ich nach Irland mit John und Cynthia Lennon. We waren von Heathrow nach Shannon geflogen
               [2] He doesn’t go to school by train.
                 Er fährt nicht mit dem Zug zur Schule.
               [2] In Mesopotamia able-bodied travelers normally went by foot. Apparently even civil servants usually walked, as analysis of ration lists for government officials shows; only the most important persons were supplied with animals for riding
               [3] His name is Joachim, but he goes by Achim.
               [3] He doesn't disclose the fact that he goes by the name of John Hall Williams at any time, yet he sues in that name.
               [4] "I have to go now." — "No, please don't go! I can't bear to be without you!"
               [4] Folks were always coming and going.
               [5] On your mark(s), get set, go!
                 Achtung, fertig, los! / Auf die Plätze, fertig, los!
     [1] räumlich: in etwas hinein
     [2] Mathematik: (regional: in
     [3] (regional: –
          [1] He goes into the house.
            Er geht ins Haus.
          [1] Now we are going into the forest.
            Jetzt gehen wir in den Wald.
     [1] (Geld-) Schuld (Das Geld das geschuldet wird)
     [2] Schulden (allgemein)
     [1] Personalpronomen 3. Person Singular Femininum Subjektform: sie
          [1] She is a pretty girl.
            Sie ist ein hübsches Mädchen.
          [1] She is very clever.
            Sie ist sehr klug.
          [1] „Rome is the heart of Italy [...]. She was, is, and must ever be, her capital.“
             Rom ist das Herz von Italien [...]. Es [wörtllich Sie] war, ist und muss immer seine [wörtlich ihre] Hauptstadt sein.
          [1] „Venus rises on the 1st day 1/4 to 5 a.m., and 4h. 25m. a.m. on the last day. [...] She is now beginning to move northward. [...]“
     Konjugierte Form:
     3. Person Singular Indikativ Präsens Aktiv des Verbs 'go'
     Deklinierte Form:
     Plural des Substantivs 'go'
          [1] gehen, sich fortbewegen: gehen, fahren, fliegen…
          [2] go by (something): mit (etwas) fahren/fliegen
          [3] go by (X): (X) heißen, unter dem Namen (X) gehen / bekannt sein
          [4] gehen, weggehen: einen Ort oder eine Zusammenkunft verlassen
          [5] Befehlsform (Imperativ) bei Rennen, Wettkämpfen: los!
               [1] Yesterday I went to school very early.
                 Gestern ging ich sehr früh zur Schule.
               [1] At Easter George and I went to Ireland for the weekend with John and Cynthia Lennon. We flew from Heathrow to Shannon
                 Zum Osterwochenende flogen / reisten George und ich nach Irland mit John und Cynthia Lennon. We waren von Heathrow nach Shannon geflogen
               [2] He doesn’t go to school by train.
                 Er fährt nicht mit dem Zug zur Schule.
               [2] In Mesopotamia able-bodied travelers normally went by foot. Apparently even civil servants usually walked, as analysis of ration lists for government officials shows; only the most important persons were supplied with animals for riding
               [3] His name is Joachim, but he goes by Achim.
               [3] He doesn't disclose the fact that he goes by the name of John Hall Williams at any time, yet he sues in that name.
               [4] "I have to go now." — "No, please don't go! I can't bear to be without you!"
               [4] Folks were always coming and going.
               [5] On your mark(s), get set, go!
                 Achtung, fertig, los! / Auf die Plätze, fertig, los!
     [1] zu
     [2] um zu
          [1] I am going to work.
            Ich gehe zur Arbeit.
          [1] That's hard to tell.
            Das ist schwer zu sagen / zu unterscheiden.
          [2] I am here to have fun.
            Ich bin hier, um Spaß zu haben.
     [1] sich im Schlaf befinden; schlafen
          [1] The baby slept for eight hours.
            Das Baby schlief acht Stunden lang.
     [1] um … herum, rund um, ringsum
          [1] She put her arms around the child.
            Sie legte ihre Arme um das Kind.
          [1] The children are sitting around the table.
            Die Kinder sitzen um den Tisch (herum).
     [1] Zeitangabe: Angabe der vollen Stunde bei Uhrzeitangaben
          [1] It’s eight o’clock.
            Es ist acht Uhr.
     [1] desto, um so
     [1a] the … the: je …, desto
     [1b] all the: um so
     [1] bestimmter Artikel, unabhängig von Numerus, Genus (Geschlecht) und Kasus (Fall)
          [1] I'm sitting in the garden.
          ..Ich sitze im Garten.
     lokal, örtlich
     [1] Gebäude oder Räumlichkeit für die Herstellung oder Reparatur von Gütern oder für den Verkauf
     [1] suchen und gegebenenfalls kaufen
     Konjugierte Form:
     3. Person Singular Indikativ Präsens Aktiv des Verbs 'want'
          [1] wollen, wünschen
          [2] (jemanden) sprechen wollen, (nach jemandem) verlangen oder fragen
          [3] nur Passiv: (als Tatverdächtiger) gesucht werden
          [4] sexuell begehren
          [5] amE umgangssprachlich, mit in/into/out: (in einen Ort, eine Situation) hineinwollen, herauswollen
          [6] benötigen, erfordern (brE umgangssprachlich auch mit Dingen als Subjekt)
          [7] brE umgangssprachlich: verdienen
          [8] bildlich: entbehren, fehlen, vermissen, darben, sich in Not oder Armut befinden
          [9] euphemistisch: sollen
               [1] We want answers to our questions.
               [1] He wants to marry a rich girl.
               [1] She wanted me to take her to Italy.
               [1] Mr. Jones wants his car repaired by tomorrow.
               [1] Steve wants Mike as his classmate.
               [2] The boss wants you in his office.
               [2] You are wanted on the telephone.
               [3] He is wanted by the police in connection with a murder case.
               [4] He was so good-looking, she wanted him on the spot.
               [5] Would you open the door? The cat wants in.
               [5] If anyone wants out, there’s the door.
               [6] The farmers desperately want rain.
               [6] This invoice wants paying.
               [7] That rascal! He wants a good smack in his face!
               [8] You shall want for nothing while you are with me.
               [8] It wanted twenty minutes to midnight.
               [9] You want to be very careful what you say.
          [1] Wunsch, Bedarf, Bedürfnis
          [2] Entbehrung, Fehlen, Mangel, Not
               [1] I know his wants and desires.
               [1] He is in want of an assistant.
               [2] Those old houses are in want of repair.
               [2] For want of a pajama he slept in his underwear.
               [2] In this country want was virtually unknown.
     [1] zu
     [2] um zu
          [1] I am going to work.
            Ich gehe zur Arbeit.
          [1] That's hard to tell.
            Das ist schwer zu sagen / zu unterscheiden.
          [2] I am here to have fun.
            Ich bin hier, um Spaß zu haben.
     [1] gehen, sich fortbewegen: gehen, fahren, fliegen…
     [2] go by (something): mit (etwas) fahren/fliegen
     [3] go by (X): (X) heißen, unter dem Namen (X) gehen / bekannt sein
     [4] gehen, weggehen: einen Ort oder eine Zusammenkunft verlassen
     [5] Befehlsform (Imperativ) bei Rennen, Wettkämpfen: los!
          [1] Yesterday I went to school very early.
            Gestern ging ich sehr früh zur Schule.
          [1] At Easter George and I went to Ireland for the weekend with John and Cynthia Lennon. We flew from Heathrow to Shannon
            Zum Osterwochenende flogen / reisten George und ich nach Irland mit John und Cynthia Lennon. We waren von Heathrow nach Shannon geflogen
          [2] He doesn’t go to school by train.
            Er fährt nicht mit dem Zug zur Schule.
          [2] In Mesopotamia able-bodied travelers normally went by foot. Apparently even civil servants usually walked, as analysis of ration lists for government officials shows; only the most important persons were supplied with animals for riding
          [3] His name is Joachim, but he goes by Achim.
          [3] He doesn't disclose the fact that he goes by the name of John Hall Williams at any time, yet he sues in that name.
          [4] "I have to go now." — "No, please don't go! I can't bear to be without you!"
          [4] Folks were always coming and going.
          [5] On your mark(s), get set, go!
            Achtung, fertig, los! / Auf die Plätze, fertig, los!
     Finger-, digital
     [1] und
          [1] I have two sons. Their names are Thomas and Harald.
     [1] am Ende, insbesondere nach einem längeren Zeitraum
          [1] In 1291, three Alpine cantons Uri, Schwyz and Unterwalden, signed the Federal Charter and created an alliance for defense. This alliance will eventually grow and evolve into Switzerland today.
     [1] gehen, sich fortbewegen: gehen, fahren, fliegen…
     [2] go by (something): mit (etwas) fahren/fliegen
     [3] go by (X): (X) heißen, unter dem Namen (X) gehen / bekannt sein
     [4] gehen, weggehen: einen Ort oder eine Zusammenkunft verlassen
     [5] Befehlsform (Imperativ) bei Rennen, Wettkämpfen: los!
          [1] Yesterday I went to school very early.
            Gestern ging ich sehr früh zur Schule.
          [1] At Easter George and I went to Ireland for the weekend with John and Cynthia Lennon. We flew from Heathrow to Shannon
            Zum Osterwochenende flogen / reisten George und ich nach Irland mit John und Cynthia Lennon. We waren von Heathrow nach Shannon geflogen
          [2] He doesn’t go to school by train.
            Er fährt nicht mit dem Zug zur Schule.
          [2] In Mesopotamia able-bodied travelers normally went by foot. Apparently even civil servants usually walked, as analysis of ration lists for government officials shows; only the most important persons were supplied with animals for riding
          [3] His name is Joachim, but he goes by Achim.
          [3] He doesn't disclose the fact that he goes by the name of John Hall Williams at any time, yet he sues in that name.
          [4] "I have to go now." — "No, please don't go! I can't bear to be without you!"
          [4] Folks were always coming and going.
          [5] On your mark(s), get set, go!
            Achtung, fertig, los! / Auf die Plätze, fertig, los!
     [1] die ganze Welt verbindend, einschließend, betreffend
     [2] alles Einzelne eines Ganzen einschließend oder betreffend
Wörterbuch-Einträge aus Wiktionary