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     Konjugierte Form:
     3. Person Singular Indikativ Präsens Aktiv des Verbs 'piece'
          [1] Teil, Stück
          [2] Brettspiele, einschließlich Schach: Stein oder Spielfigur
          [3] Schach: Offizier, Sammelbezeichnung für König, Dame, Turm, Läufer und Springer
               [1] "The lower jaw consists of the curved piece of bone, in which the sixteen teeth are set, and of a process or branch on either side, which rises nearly at a right angle to be articulated by means of its condyle with the glenoid fossa of the temporal bone. "
               [2] „Pieces are the larger and generally more powerful chess pieces.“
               [3] „Pieces are the larger and generally more powerful chess pieces. There are eight of them: king, queen, two bishops, two knights, and two rooks. When chess players talk about "pieces," they're not talking about all chess pieces (including pawns) but only these eight that are stronger and generally more important.
The five types of pieces can be divided up in several ways. “
               [3] „Of the sixteen men on either side, eight are called Pieces, and eight Pawns. The eight pieces consist of a King, a Queen, two Castles or Rooks, two Bishops, and two Knights.“
               [3] „Pawns, unlike pieces, move only in one direction: forward.“
     [1] weiblicher Elternteil: Mutter
          [1] My mother is sixty years old.
            Meine Mutter ist sechzig Jahre alt.
     Partizip I:
     Partizip Präsens (present participle) des Verbs 'add'
          [1] addieren, hinzufügen, aufschlagen
     [1] weiblicher Elternteil: Mutter
          [1] My mother is sixty years old.
            Meine Mutter ist sechzig Jahre alt.
     [1] zu
     [2] um zu
          [1] I am going to work.
            Ich gehe zur Arbeit.
          [1] That's hard to tell.
            Das ist schwer zu sagen / zu unterscheiden.
          [2] I am here to have fun.
            Ich bin hier, um Spaß zu haben.
     [1] Gastronomie: Essig
     [2] übertragen: Säuerlichkeit, schlechte Laune
          [1] You can catch more flies with a spoonful of honey than a barrel of vinegar.
            Mit einem Löffel von Honig fängt man mehr Fliegen als mit einem Fass (sauren) Essigs.
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