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     [1] Fall (m)
     [2] (Recht) Fall (m)
     [3] Kasten (m), Kiste (f)
     [4] Behälter (m)
     [5] Schachtel (f)
     [6] Futteral (n)
     [7] Etui (n), Brillenetui (n)
     [8] Mappe (f), Schreibmappe (f)
     [9] Bezug (m), Kissenbezug (m), Überzug (m)
     [10] (Technik) Mantel (m), Verkleidung (f)
          [1] „Nouns in the English tongue have only two different terminations for cases, viz. the nominative and the genitive.
Nom. a man
Gen. a man's.
The others are expressed by prepositions.“
          [1] "To this I reply, that it is no way applicable to the case; for my lord of Orleans never intruded on any other's domination, by Violence, nor did he attempt to usurp the power and authority of the king."
     [1] formen, bilden, verfertigen
     [2] sich formieren, sich aufstellen
     [1] koordinierend: oder
     Partizip I:
     Partizip Präsens (present participle) des Verbs 'relate'
     [1] zu
     [2] um zu
          [1] I am going to work.
            Ich gehe zur Arbeit.
          [1] That's hard to tell.
            Das ist schwer zu sagen / zu unterscheiden.
          [2] I am here to have fun.
            Ich bin hier, um Spaß zu haben.
     [1] desto, um so
     [1a] the … the: je …, desto
     [1b] all the: um so
     [1] bestimmter Artikel, unabhängig von Numerus, Genus (Geschlecht) und Kasus (Fall)
          [1] I'm sitting in the garden.
          ..Ich sitze im Garten.
     [1] sich mit der Philosophie beschäftigen; philosophisch
     [2] eine unangenehme Situation akzeptieren, da sie nicht geändert werden kann
          [1] "I had jotted down a few sentences, amounting to a small philosophical digression, the upshot of which wass that man wa a wretched creature and death a certainty."
     Deklinierte Form:
     Plural des Substantivs 'view'
     Konjugierte Form:
     3. Person Singular Indikativ Präsens Aktiv des Verbs 'view'
          [1] Ausblick, Sicht
               [1] "I mention this small episode because it assumes some importance in view of the tragedy which followed, but I was convinced at the time that the matter was entirely trivial and that his excitement had no justification."
     [1] und
          [1] I have two sons. Their names are Thomas and Harald.
     [1] possessives Personalpronomen für die 3. Person Singular Maskulinum: sein
          [1] I know his mother.
            Ich kenne seine Mutter.
     Deklinierte Form:
     Plural des Substantivs 'successor'
Wörterbuch-Einträge aus Wiktionary