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     [1] desto, um so
     [1a] the … the: je …, desto
     [1b] all the: um so
     [1] bestimmter Artikel, unabhängig von Numerus, Genus (Geschlecht) und Kasus (Fall)
          [1] I'm sitting in the garden.
          ..Ich sitze im Garten.
     [1] Saite
     [2] Bindfaden, Schnur, Schnürchen
     [3] Kordel
     [4] Litze
     [5] Zeichenkette
     [6] Bogensehne
     [7] Kette
     Deklinierte Form:
     Plural des Substantivs 'line'
     Konjugierte Form:
     3. Person Singular Indikativ Präsens Aktiv des Verbs 'line'
          [1] ursprünglich: Schnur, Faden: lange, relativ dünne Textilie
            [a] allgemein: Linie: (gerade oder gebogene) Verbindung oder Weg zwischen zwei oder mehreren Punkten
            [b] Geometrie: Linie: gerader, eindimensionaler Körper, der unendlich lang und unendlich dünn ist
            [c] Geometrie, umgangssprachlich: Strecke, beidseitig begrenzte gerade Linie (2b)
            [a] Meridian, Längengrad, Breitengrad
            [b] häufig großgeschrieben (the Line): der Äquator, der Erdäquator
          [4] Richtung, Weg
          [5] Fernmeldewesen: Leitung
            [a] Zeile: geschriebene oder gedruckte Zeile (Reihe) von Buchstaben, Wörtern, Zahlen oder Zeichen, oder eine Leere anstelle solches Textes
            [b] gesprochener Satz
            [c] Spruch, Platte, Geschwätz
          [7] Schlange (Reihe von Individuen oder Gegenständen)
               [1] Then we hunted up a place close by to hide the canoe in, amongst the thick willows. We took some fish off of the lines and set them again, and begun to get ready for dinner.
               [1] Use fabric or nursery grade webbing around stakes and trunk, loosely tying the line to the tree about 6 inches below the point where the tree bounces back in your hand when you grab the trunk.
               [2a–c] That is a straight line.
                 Das ist eine gerade Linie.
               [2a] The letter S is drawn with one line, the letter H with three.
               [2a] The atmosphere in flaming sparkles flew; / And where the burning wheels / Eddied above the mountain’s loftiest peak / Was traced a line of lightning.
               [2b] Euclid defined a line as a breadthless length.
               [2c] The line between point A and point B was 2cm long.
               [3b] She was somewhere to the northward of the Line.
          [1] Leinen, Linnen; Lein
               [1] They brought garments made of line.
          [1] die Innenseite (einer Sache) bedecken, füttern (mit einem Futter versehen)
               [1] The tailor lined the cloak with silk.
               [1] The bird lined its nest with pine needles.
          [1] veraltet, von einem Hund: (eine Hündin) begatten
               [1] Bedlamite was a black dog, and although it may be safely asserted that he lined upwards of 100 bitches of all colours, red, white, and blue, all his produce were black.
               [1] A bitch lined by a mangy dog is very liable to produce mangy puppies, and the progeny of a mangy bitch is certain to become affected some time or other.
               [1] Pliny states that the inhabitants of India take pleasure in having their dog bitches lined by the wild tigers, and to facilitate this union, they are in the habit of tieing them when in heat out in the woods, so that the male tigers may visit them.
     [1] tragen
     [2] mit (jemandem) schwanger sein
     [3] Geschäft: führen (im Sortiment haben)
          [1] "Each carried a gun under his arm, and a well-bred Irish water-spaniel followed close upon their heels."
          [2] When I was carrying you, it was like you were in me but not of me. But you were my first and I thought maybe that's how it is. But with Aharon and Miryam, it was so different. When they were inside me, I talked and sang to them. - Julius Lester, Pharaoh's Daughter: A Novel of Ancient Egypt (2009), Seite 59
          [3] I'm sorry, we don't carry XYZ brand tissues.
          [1] „All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.“
             „Alle Tiere sind gleich, aber manche Tiere sind gleicher als andere.“
          [1] „Imagine all the people living life in peace.“
             „Stell dir vor, all die Leute lebten ihr Leben in Frieden.“
     [1] desto, um so
     [1a] the … the: je …, desto
     [1b] all the: um so
     [1] bestimmter Artikel, unabhängig von Numerus, Genus (Geschlecht) und Kasus (Fall)
          [1] I'm sitting in the garden.
          ..Ich sitze im Garten.
     [1] kein Plural: (Körper-)Gewicht
     [2] Gewicht (um etwas schwerer zu machen)
          [1] You must eat less if you want to lose weight.
            Du musst weniger essen, wenn du an Gewicht verlieren willst.
     [1] etwas beschweren, belasten
     [2] (Statistik): etwas wichten, gewichten
     [1] Kardinalzahl, attributiv: eins; einer; ein einziger
     [2] unbestimmt: irgendein; (einmal)
          [1] We have two daughters and one son.
            Wir haben zwei Töchter und einen Sohn.
          [2] One night we stayed up talking till dawn.
            An einem Abend plauderten wir einmal bis zum Morgengrauen
     [1] ein, eine
     [2] ein, eine, ein einziger, eine einzige, ein einziges
     [3] ein gewisser, eine gewisse, ein gewisses
     [1] man; einer (eine, eines)
          [1] One gets the impression that …
            Man hat den Eindruck, dass …
     [1] Eins, eins
     [2] der einzelne, die einzelne, das einzelne
     [3] Einheit
     Konjugierte Form:
     Präteritum (simple past) des Hilfsverbs 'can'
          [1] zeigt die Fähigkeit an, etwas tun zu können; können
          [2] zeigt die Erlaubnis oder Bestimmung an, etwas zu tun; können, dürfen
               [1] He can speak German, English and French.
                 Er kann Deutsch, Englisch und Französisch sprechen.
               [2] You can go by bus but be careful!
                 Du kannst/darfst mit dem Bus fahren, aber sei vorsichtig!
          [1] umgangssprachlich: eine Sache beenden; abbrechen
          [2] umgangssprachlich: ein Arbeitsverhältnis für beendet erklären; kündigen
          [3] (Früchte, Obst) kochen, damit es sich länger hält; einmachen
               [1] He canned the project because he thought it would be to expensive.
                 Er brach das Projekt ab, weil er dachte, es sei zu teuer.
               [2] The boss canned him because he was unfriendly to him.
                 Der Chef kündigte ihm, weil er unfreundlich zu ihm war.
               [3] They spent August canning fruit and vegetables.
                 Sie verbrachten den August damit, Früchte und Obst einzumachen.
          [1] ein versiegeltes Behältnis; Dose
          [2] Gießkanne
     [1] wollen, wünschen
     [2] (jemanden) sprechen wollen, (nach jemandem) verlangen oder fragen
     [3] nur Passiv: (als Tatverdächtiger) gesucht werden
     [4] sexuell begehren
     [5] amE umgangssprachlich, mit in/into/out: (in einen Ort, eine Situation) hineinwollen, herauswollen
     [6] benötigen, erfordern (brE umgangssprachlich auch mit Dingen als Subjekt)
     [7] brE umgangssprachlich: verdienen
     [8] bildlich: entbehren, fehlen, vermissen, darben, sich in Not oder Armut befinden
     [9] euphemistisch: sollen
          [1] We want answers to our questions.
          [1] He wants to marry a rich girl.
          [1] She wanted me to take her to Italy.
          [1] Mr. Jones wants his car repaired by tomorrow.
          [1] Steve wants Mike as his classmate.
          [2] The boss wants you in his office.
          [2] You are wanted on the telephone.
          [3] He is wanted by the police in connection with a murder case.
          [4] He was so good-looking, she wanted him on the spot.
          [5] Would you open the door? The cat wants in.
          [5] If anyone wants out, there’s the door.
          [6] The farmers desperately want rain.
          [6] This invoice wants paying.
          [7] That rascal! He wants a good smack in his face!
          [8] You shall want for nothing while you are with me.
          [8] It wanted twenty minutes to midnight.
          [9] You want to be very careful what you say.
     [1] Wunsch, Bedarf, Bedürfnis
     [2] Entbehrung, Fehlen, Mangel, Not
          [1] I know his wants and desires.
          [1] He is in want of an assistant.
          [2] Those old houses are in want of repair.
          [2] For want of a pajama he slept in his underwear.
          [2] In this country want was virtually unknown.
     [1] und
          [1] I have two sons. Their names are Thomas and Harald.
     [1] desto, um so
     [1a] the … the: je …, desto
     [1b] all the: um so
     [1] bestimmter Artikel, unabhängig von Numerus, Genus (Geschlecht) und Kasus (Fall)
          [1] I'm sitting in the garden.
          ..Ich sitze im Garten.
     [1] und
          [1] I have two sons. Their names are Thomas and Harald.
     [1] das Messing
     [2] musikalisch, oft als Plural benutzt: Blechblasinstrumente (Familie der Instrumente, Teil eines Orchesters)
     [3] Gedenktafel, meist aus Messing
          [1] The kitchen faucet is made of brass.
          [2] The violins have more players in the orchestra than the brass and woodwinds combined.
          [3] In the chapel is a brass that shows Sir Edward.
       [1] haben; besitzen; zur Verfügung haben
       [2] erfahren, erleben
       [3] (eine Sprache, ein Fach) kennen, können
       [4] betont, oft passiv; umgangssprachlich: (jemanden) betrugen
       [5] salopp: (jemanden) ficken
       mit Mittelwörtern der Vergangenheit:
         [6] erleiden, erfahren (unfreiwillig etwas Schlechtes erfahren): someone had [object] [past participle] = jemandem wurde [das Objekt] [Partizip Perfekt] (siehe die Beispiele)
         [7] machen, dass etwas geschieht; veranlassen, dass jemand etwas tut; lassen: someone had [object] [past participle] = jemand lässt/ließ [das Objekt] [Infinitiv] (siehe die Beispiele)
       [8] nur aktiv, mit einem Infinitiv ohne to: veranlassen (befehlen oder bitten), dass jemand etwas tut: someone had [object] [infinitive] = jemand hat [Objekt] dazu gezwungen, zu [Infinitiv]
       [9] veranstalten
       [10] nur aktiv: essen, trinken
       [11] hauptsächlich aktiv: haben, (eine Eigenschaft wie Gnade oder Frechheit) durch Taten zeigen
       [12] nur aktiv: (ein Kind) gebären
       [13] nur aktiv: in einer bestimmten Lage oder Haltung halten
       [14] mit nachfolgendem to (und entweder einem Verb oder nichts): müssen
       [15] zur Bildung des Perfekts [15a] (present perfect), des Plusquamperfekts [15b] (past perfect) und des Perfektfuturs [15c] (future perfect)
       [16] zur Bildung des (periphrastischen) Vergangenheitskonjunktivs
       [17] selten, gehoben: Reichtum haben
          [1] I have a garden and a huge house.
            Ich habe einen Garten und ein großes Haus.
          [1] I have two children.
            Ich habe zwei Kinder.
          [1] You have thirty seconds to explain why you're here.
          [1] We don't have time to stay.
          [2] I had a good time.
            Ich habe mich gut unterhalten.
          [2] I have a headache.
            Ich habe Kopfschmerzen.
          [2] We almost had an accident on our way over.
          [3] Only I had failed to mention that Mitterand did not speak English. And Reagan has only a little French. An interpreter should have been called in.
          [4] He's just having you (on)!
          [4] I was had! / I've been had!
          [5] He brags about how many women he has had.
          [6] He had his car stolen.
            Ihm wurde das Auto gestohlen.
          [7] He had his hair cut.
            Er ließ sich die Haare schneiden.
          [8] Julian had me feed his cats while he was on vacation.
          [8] The police had the suspect put his hands up.
          [9] Michaela is having a party next weekend.
          [9] The candidates are having a debate next weekend.
          [9] My favourite bands are having a show next weekend.
          [10] I had a hamburger yesterday, so I'm having a salad today.
          [10] What did you have for breakfast?
          [10] We have dinner at 6 o'clock.
          [11] May God have mercy on your soul.
          [11] And now you have the nerve to say that?
            Und jetzt hast du die Frechheit, das zu sagen?
          [12] She had her first child at age twenty.
          [12] The couple couldn't have children, so they adopted.
          [12] She's in the hospital having a baby!
          [13] I had her trapped. (She was trapped.)
          [13] I had the coins in a bag.
          [13] He had his back to them when they walked in, so they didn't recognise him at first.
          [14] We have to go.
            Wir müssen gehen.
          [14] I didn't want to go, but my parents said I had to.
          [14] You don't have to do this! There has to be another way!
          [15] When she had finished her meal, she phoned her mother.
            Als sie gegessen hatte, rief sie ihre Mutter an.
          [15a] I have read the book.
          [15b] He had read the book already.
          [15c] She will have read the book by the time the book club meets.
          [16] Had I known you were sick, I would have come. / If I had known you were sick, I would have come.
          [17] Some have; others have not.
     [1] unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, einen
          [1] I can see a car and a plane.
            Ich kann ein Auto und ein Flugzeug sehen.
          [1] Yesterday we met an Afro-Carribean.
            Gestern haben wir einen Afro-Kariben getroffen.
     [1] Person deren Entscheidungen anerkannt werden
     [2] die Macht Befehle zu erteilen
     [3] Einrichtung die berechtigt ist Befehle zu erteilen
          [1] He was an authority in his field.
          [2] Congress alone has the authority to declare war.
          [3] You need a permission by the permit authority.
Wörterbuch-Einträge aus Wiktionary