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     [1] desto, um so
     [1a] the … the: je …, desto
     [1b] all the: um so
     [1] bestimmter Artikel, unabhängig von Numerus, Genus (Geschlecht) und Kasus (Fall)
          [1] I'm sitting in the garden.
          ..Ich sitze im Garten.
     essbar, eßbar
     [1] Stein
          [1] He who is without sin throws the first stone.
     [1] die Frucht
     [2] Obst
          [1] We've got lots of fruits.
            Wir haben eine Menge Früchte.
          [1] "The name pineapple is derived from the circumstance of the fruit being covered on all sides with small triangular scales, resembling the cone of a pine-tree."
     [1] einige
     [2] verschiedene
     [3] veraltet: jeweilig
          [1] "The jaguar is very like the leopard, but is considerably larger, and may be easily distinguished from that animal by the appearance of the spots, which are larger than those of the leopard, and are composed of a black spot surrounded by several others. There is also a black streak across the chest."
          [2] "This is the critical point: a concept may presuppose several different dimensions at once."
     [1] einige, ein paar
     [1] Biologie: die Spezies, die Art
     Partizip I:
     Partizip Präsens (present participle) des Verbs 'share'
          [1] Anteil
          [2] Aktie
          [1] teilen
               [1] The two girls share the bedroom.
                 Die zwei Mädchen teilen sich das Schlafzimmer.
Wörterbuch-Einträge aus Wiktionary