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     Partizip I:
     Partizip Präsens (present participle) des Verbs 'lack'
          [1] Mangel, Fehlen
     [1] etwas oder jemanden interessieren
          [1] „ there is nothing that touches you that does not interest me.“
            „… es gibt nichts was dich berührt, was mich nicht interessiert.“
     [1] Interesse, Hobby
     [2] Finanzen: Zinsen
          [1] "The grandson, however, being smitten by a sudden wish to see the house himself, proposes to join the party. The grandmother, who is pleased that he should have that interest, accompanies him—though, to do him justice, he is exceedingly unwilling to trouble her."
     [1] koordinierend: oder
     [1] Substanz
          [1] "The above is the shape of an apparatus to cover or protect the male organ,—it is made of some substance that is not elastic, as, if it were elastic, they could press it on the male organ so as to masturbate it, or cause pleasurable and licentious sensations."
Wörterbuch-Einträge aus Wiktionary