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     Partizip I:
     Partizip Präsens (present participle) des Verbs 'free'
          [1] jemanden oder etwas befreien, frei machen, freilassen
          [2] entblocken, freigeben, etwas lösen
          [3] etwas frei machen, Platz schaffen
               [1] Kevin frees an animal.
                 Kevin befreit ein Tier.
               [2] We managed to free the propeller from the rope.
                 Wir konnten den Propeller vom Seil losmachen.
               [3] He freed the place for the governor.
                 Er machte den Platz für den Gouverneur frei.
     [1] aus, von (jeweils in Bezug auf Ort oder Richtung)
          [1] The car is from England.
            Das Auto ist aus England.
     [1] kein Plural: (die Emotion) Furcht
     [2] Angst
          [1] He has a terrible fear of snakes.
            Er hat schreckliche Angst vor Schlangen.
          [2] Not everybody has the same fears.
            Nicht jeder hat dieselben Ängste.
          [1, 2] "In most discussions of anxiety it is customary to distinguish between anxiety and fear … According to this widely accepted view, fear is caused by a threatening and dangerous factor, which lends itself to definition and identification in "objective reality", whereas anxiety arises owing to the operation of psychic factors and forces which have no definite correlates in outer reality."
     [1] koordinierend: oder
     [1] Angst, Besorgnis
     [2] Angstgefühl, Beklemmung
     [3] starkes Bestreben
          [1] "As the clock on the mantelpiece struck eleven, Sir Percival knocked at the door, and came in. There was suppressed anxiety and agitation in every line of his face."
          [1, 2] "In most discussions of anxiety it is customary to distinguish between anxiety and fear … According to this widely accepted view, fear is caused by a threatening and dangerous factor, which lends itself to definition and identification in "objective reality", whereas anxiety arises owing to the operation of psychic factors and forces which have no definite correlates in outer reality."
          [3] "Great Speech of Mr. Douglas on the Harper's Ferry Invasion—Anxiety to hear him—His Speeches in Reply to Senators Fessenden, Jeff. Davis, and Seward—The Caucus of Senators—Their Utopian Platform."
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