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     [1] desto, um so
     [1a] the … the: je …, desto
     [1b] all the: um so
     [1] bestimmter Artikel, unabhängig von Numerus, Genus (Geschlecht) und Kasus (Fall)
          [1] I'm sitting in the garden.
          ..Ich sitze im Garten.
     Konjugierte Form:
     3. Person Singular Indikativ Präsens Aktiv des Verbs 'physic'
     [1] Physik
          [1] In physics, “work” is not the same as in life. – (In der Physik ist „Arbeit“ etwas Anderes als im Leben.)
     [1] Fachbereich
     [1] desto, um so
     [1a] the … the: je …, desto
     [1b] all the: um so
     [1] bestimmter Artikel, unabhängig von Numerus, Genus (Geschlecht) und Kasus (Fall)
          [1] I'm sitting in the garden.
          ..Ich sitze im Garten.
     [1] Biologie: biologisches Geschlecht
     [2] Soziologie: Gender; soziales Geschlecht, abgegrenzt zu sex, dem biologischen Geschlecht
     [3] Grammatik: grammatisches Geschlecht, Genus von Nomen
     [4] Grammatik, selten: Diathese, Genus verbi, Genus von Verben
          [1] Other risk factors include parity (1st calf), gender of the calf (usually male), length of gestation (shorter than average),…
          [2] Medicine and the state not only restricted choices, but, intent on making sure that sex and gender matched, set about tearing off disguises, detecting errors and enforcing 'legitimate' sexual constitutions.
          [3] In other words, German 3rd person pronouns er ('he') and sie ('she'), for instance, cannot be determiners without a nominal complement because gender is marked on them, masculine and feminine respectively; if they are agreeing determiners then they must agree with something, and given that it is gender they agree for, this 'something' must be a noun encoding the gender feature.
          [3] In order to formalize a link between the form and the gender of the noun, Bernstein (1993) proposed that the stem of a noun should be decomposed…
          [4] „The general distinction is between three 'genders' out of the five genders of the Latin tradition: active gender, passive gender, neuter gender.“
     Konjugierte Form:
     3. Person Singular Indikativ Präsens Aktiv des Verbs 'study'
          (wir) studieren
          (ihr) studiert
          (wir) studieren
          (ihr) studiert
     [1] Fachbereich
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