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     Slang, Jargon
     [1] das Messing
     [2] musikalisch, oft als Plural benutzt: Blechblasinstrumente (Familie der Instrumente, Teil eines Orchesters)
     [3] Gedenktafel, meist aus Messing
          [1] The kitchen faucet is made of brass.
          [2] The violins have more players in the orchestra than the brass and woodwinds combined.
          [3] In the chapel is a brass that shows Sir Edward.
     [1] der Affe
          [1] "The cougar generally subsists on birds and small quadrupeds, such as young deer, raccoons, skunks, and the like: in South America the monkeys and peccaries frequently become its prey."
     [1] kalt
          [1] It is cold outside.
            Es ist kalt draußen.
          [1] "The season was cold and rainy, and in the evenings we crowded around a blazing wood fire, and occasionally amused ourselves with some German stories of ghosts, which happened to fall into our hands."
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