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Englisches Wort des Tages für Fortgeschrittene



Englisch > Deutsch
     1. Verb:
     2. [1] Pflanzen (Gras, Getreide) herunterschneiden; mähen
           [1] I always hated to mow our lawn.
             Ich hasste es immer, unseren Rasen zu mähen.
Englisch > Englisch
     1. v. To cut down grass or crops.
           He mowed the lawn every few weeks in the summer.
     2. v. To cut down or slaughter in great numbers.
     3. subst. (now only dialectal) A scornful grimace; a wry face.
     4. v. To make grimaces, mock.
     5. subst. (now regional) A stack of hay, corn, beans or a barn for the storage of hay, corn, beans.
     6. subst. The place in a barn where hay or grain in the sheaf is stowed.
     7. v. (agriculture) To put into mows.
     8. subst. alternative form of mewes (a seagull)


He said he would mow it again. 
I was so frustrated that he had made me mow that lawn that I told him that I didn't care because I wasn't in scouts, I was only in cub scouts, and to go away. 

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