Lexis Rex Startseite

Englisches Wort des Tages für Fortgeschrittene



Englisch > Deutsch
     1. Substantiv:
     2. [1] Medizin, auch übertragen: etwas, das die Wirkung eines Giftes abschwächt oder vollständig aufhebt; Gegenmittel, Gegengift, Antidot
     3. [2] übertragen: etwas, das hilft, die Auswirkungen von etwas Negativem oder Unangenehmen zu verbessern
           [1] "From certain cloistered old authors I have gathered that this same sea-unicorn's horn was in ancient days regarded as the great antidote against poison, and as such, preparations of it brought immense prices."
     4. Verb:
     5. [1] als Gegenmittel wirken
           [1] "The antidotal remedy is one (dynamic antidote) if one likes to antidote the over action of the previously given similimum or ."
Englisch > Englisch
     1. subst. A remedy to counteract the effects of poison (often followed by "against," "for," or "to").
           She reached the hospital in time to receive the antidote for the snake venom.
     2. subst. (figurative) Something that counteracts or prevents something harmful.
           We need an antidote for this misinformation.
     3. v. To counteract as an antidote.


Even the speed with which so much of this work was made can be seen as an antidote, if not to melancholy, then to good manners, as a way of bypassing the deliberations and niceties of style. 

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