Lexis Rex Startseite

Englisches Wort des Tages für Fortgeschrittene



Englisch > Deutsch
     1. Verb:
     2. [1] stören, behindern, belästigen, beunruhigen, aufschrecken, aufscheuchen, durcheinanderbringen, in Unordnung bringen
           [1] He disturbed their neighbours wedding party.
             Er störte die Hochzeitsfeier ihrer Nachbarn.
Englisch > Englisch
     1. v. to confuse a quiet, constant state or a calm, continuous flow, in particular: thoughts, actions or liquids.
           The noisy ventilation disturbed me during the exam.
           The performance was disturbed twice by a ringing mobile phone.
           A school of fish disturbed the water.
     2. v. to divert, redirect, or alter by disturbing.
           A mudslide disturbed the course of the river.
           The trauma disturbed his mind.
     3. v. (intransitive) to have a negative emotional impact; to cause emotional distress or confusion.
           A disturbing film that tries to explore the mind of a serial killer.
           His behaviour is very disturbing.
     4. subst. (obsolete) disturbance


I didn't disturb you, did I? 
If I disturb you, it is only because you summoned me. 

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