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The Dutch word for rain is


Translations for rain and their definitions

     1. n. A rain; the rain
     2. v. first-person singular present indicative of regenen
     3. v. imperative of regenen
     4. v. past ind+subj of rijgen

     1. v. (impersonal) To rain, to precipitate.
           Het regent alweer.
             It's raining again.
     2. v. (impersonal figuratively) To accumulate in large amounts, as though by rain
           Het regent klachten over je gedrag!
             It's raining complaints about your behaviour!
     3. v. (intransitive figuratively) To pour down, to fall out of the sky in large amounts
           In de herfst regenen de bladeren van de bomen.
             In autumn, the leaves rain down from the trees.

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