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The Dutch word for gray is


Translations for gray and their definitions

     1. adj. (literally) grey-colored
     2. adj. (figuratively referring to grey hair) old
     3. adj. weathered, tarnished, affected by wear and tear
     4. adj. partially illegal
     5. n. the color grey, any mix of black and white

     1. adj. (literally) grey, not brightly colored, ashen, grubby, grimy
     2. adj. (figuratively) dreary, grim, gloomy, desperate
           In Victoriaanse sloppenwijken waren grauwe lompen tekenen van grauwe armoede, in een moderne favella zie je vooral felle kleuren
             In Victorian slums grey rags ware indicative of grim poverty, in a modern favella one sees mostly bright colors

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