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Word and Radical Components of 蜜蜂

The Chinese word 蜜蜂 is analysed below into its constituent words and the words into radicals. By seeing the breakdown of the word in this way you can more easily learn and recognise the word.

Component Pinyin Meanings
蜜蜂 mìfēng 1. n. bee; honey bee

蜜蜂 ⇨ 蜜 + 蜂
Component Pinyin Meanings
1. honey
     蜂蜜 - honey
     蜜蜂 - honeybee
2. the colour of honey; honey-coloured
     蜜色 - colour of honey
3. beeswax
     蜜燭 - candle
4. (dialectal Cantonese) bee; honeybee
5. sweet
     甜蜜 - sweet, happy
     水蜜桃 - honey peach
     甜言蜜語 - sweet words and honeyed phrases; cajolery
6. mistress, young girl
     小蜜 - mistress
     閨蜜 - female friend (of female)
fēng 1. Apoidea or Vespa (wasps, bees and hornets)
     蜜蜂 - bee; honeybee -
     黃蜂 - wasp -
2. (specifically) honey bee
     蜂蜜 - honey -
3. swarm

蜜 ⇨ 宓 + 虫
Component Pinyin Meanings
1. (obsolete) silent; quiet; tranquil
2. Variant of 密
3. Variant of 蜜
1. insect
2. Variant of 蟲
3. Variant of 虺

宓 ⇨ 宀 + 必
Component Pinyin Meanings
mián 1. a type of deep house with walls on all four sides, a roof, a main hall, and back rooms
2. a kind of flower
3. (Kangxi radical #40 宀* (“roof”))
4. usage. As a component, often referred to as 寶蓋頭.
1. surely; most certainly; always; invariably
2. must; have to; shall
3. (literary) (conjunction indicating the condition of a concession or exception, especially a hypothetical or implied one)
4. (Min Nan) (of skin) to chap
5. (Hakka, Min Nan) to crack