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Word and Radical Components of 玻璃杯

The Chinese word 玻璃杯 is analysed below into its constituent words and the words into radicals. By seeing the breakdown of the word in this way you can more easily learn and recognise the word.

Component Pinyin Meanings
玻璃杯 bōlibēi 1. n. glass (for drinking); tumbler

玻璃杯 ⇨ 玻 + 璃 + 杯
Component Pinyin Meanings
1. Used in 玻璃 (glass, short=y)
2. (Used in transliterations.)
3. Short for 玻利維亞, Bolivia
      關係 - tr=Zhōng–Bō guānxì, Bolivia–China relations
1. Only used in 玻璃 (, 琉璃)
bēi 1. drinkware; cup; glass; mug
     杯子zi - drinkware; cup; glass
2. cup; trophy
     世界杯 - world cup
3. alcoholic drink
     貪杯 - to drink alcohol excessively
      - a cup of tea
      ? - Would you like another drink?
      - a huge glass of water
      雪糕 - a cup of ice cream
4. (Cantonese, Min Dong, Min Nan) moon blocks (divination device)
5. usage. Nowadays, the variant character 盃 is chiefly used as sense 2, "cup, trophy".

杯 ⇨ 木 + 不
Component Pinyin Meanings
1. tree; woody plant
     樹木 - tree
     灌木 - shrub
     木芍藥 - tree peony
2. wood; timber
     木頭tou - log
3. wooden
      桌子 。 - This table is made of wood
4. simple; plain; slow; emotionless; wooden
     木訥 - plain spoken, slow and inarticulate
     棺木 - coffin
     就木 - to die (to enter one's coffin)
5. (Mandarin, neologism, slang) (eye dialect of zh, 沒)
     有木有 - innit, damn right
6. numb
     麻木 - numb, insensitive
      手指 。 - Her fingers were numb with cold.
1. (preceding verbs and adjectives) not
     這個 。 - This is not good.
      。 - He does not love you.
2. (between a verb and a complement) can not
      。 - I can't see you.
3. no (answer to a yes-no question)
      日本人 。 - Are you Japanese? No, I'm not.
4. (Used with 就 to indicate the first of two alternatives.)
      每天 上班就是 義工一點兒r 休息 時間 沒有。 - Every day, he either goes to work or volunteers, not leaving any time for rest.
5. (colloquial) (Question particle placed at the end of the sentence.)
6. (colloquial) (Intensifying particle often used with 好.)
7. Original form of 柎 (calyx)
8. (Min Nan) Alternative form of 毋 (-)

不 ⇨ 丆 + 卜
Component Pinyin Meanings
1. Variant of 厂
1. divination
2. to divine
3. (literary) to foretell; to predict
     生死未卜 - no one knows whether the person is dead of alive
4. (literary) to choose
     卜居 - to choose a place to live
5. Simplified form of 蔔
6. Variant of 欲