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The Chinese word 猫 is analysed below into its constituent words and the words into radicals. By seeing the breakdown of the word in this way you can more easily learn and recognise the word.

Component Pinyin Meanings
1. Variant of 貓

猫 ⇨ 犭 + 苗
Component Pinyin Meanings
quǎn 1. (formal or in compounds or Min Dong, Waxiang, dialectal Wu) dog
     警犬 - police dog
miáo 1. seedling; shoot; sprout
     麥苗 - wheat seedling
     蒜苗 - garlic shoot
     jiàn - to thin out seedlings
2. shoot-like object
     火苗 - tongue of flame
3. descendant (of a family); offspring
     獨苗 - only child
4. symptom (of a trend)
     苗頭 - symptom of a trend; first signs
     礦苗 - outcrop
5. young (of an animal)
     魚苗 - fry (young fish)
6. Short for 疫苗, vaccine
     卡介苗 - Bacillus Calmette–Guérin (BCG) vaccine
7. the Miao peoples (including Hmong, Hmu, A-Hmao, Qo Xiong, etc.)
     苗語 - Miao languages
     苗繡 - Miao embroidery
      - - Miu Tsui-fa (mother of fictional martial artist Fong Sai-yuk)
8. Simplified form of 鱙

苗 ⇨ 艹 + 田
Component Pinyin Meanings
1. grass
2. Variant of 草
tián 1. farmland
      玉米 - a corn field -
2. field (area rich in mineral reserves)
     油田 - oil field -
3. (Cantonese) Short for 阿華田, Ovaltine
     Synonyms: 華田
      - iced Ovaltine -
4. (obsolete) (Alternative form 佃, 畋) to till land; to cultivate
5. (obsolete) (Alternative form 佃, 畋, 甸) to hunt
      - Tian Han
6. paddy field; wet field
7. farmland in general; field