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Word and Radical Components of 地理

The Chinese word 地理 is analysed below into its constituent words and the words into radicals. By seeing the breakdown of the word in this way you can more easily learn and recognise the word.

Component Pinyin Meanings
地理 dìlǐ 1. n. geography
     地理 信息 工程 - geographic information engineering
2. n. geographical features; topography
3. n. (literary) address
4. n. (chiefly dialectal Mandarin Hakka Min) fengshui
5. n. (classical) terrestrial organization
6. adj. (attributive) geographical
     地理 位置 - geographical location

地理 ⇨ 地 + 理
Component Pinyin Meanings
1. earth
     天地 - heaven and earth
2. ground; floor
     水泥 - concrete floor
      地上shang。 - The horse collapsed to the ground.
     銀包 。 - The wallet fell on the ground.
      dei6-2 - to lie on the floor on one's stomach
3. land; field
     低地 - lowland
     nei1 - this plot of land
4. distance; separation
     車站 。 - The bus stop is three miles away.
5. farmland; field
     田間 地頭 - farmland
     下地 幹活 - to farm
6. (only in compounds) area; region
     本地 - local
     殖民地 - colony
7. place; locality
     地處chǔ - located in
     目的地 - destination
     分居 - to live apart in two different places
8. status; situation; position
     不敗之地 - invincible position
     設身處chǔ - put oneself in somebody else’s position
9. (only in compounds) state of mind
     心地 - mind
     見地 - perspective, opinion
10. place; room; space
      地兒r - There is no room in my home (for that).
11. background (behind a text or figure)
     白地黑字 - black characters on a white background -
12. (only in compounds) Short for 地球, Earth
      距離 - Earth–Sun distance
      行星 - terrestrial planet
13. (Hakka) grave; tomb
      - Gedi station (蛤地 means "frog-shaped tomb")
14. (Mainland China) prefecture
     地級市 - prefecture-level city
de, di 15. (chiefly Mandarin) (Particle indicating the preceding word is used as an adverb.)
     (Alternative form , obsolete, c=1)
      de - very quickly
     一個 模樣 孩子zi 我們 蹣跚 de 走來。 - A roughly one-year-old child came staggering towards us.
      偷偷 dei6-2 。 - He secretly left.
      靜靜zing6-2 dei6-2 喺度 。 - Sit here quietly, OK?
16. (Cantonese) (Placed after a reduplicated adjective or stative verb to lessen its intensity.)
      hung4-2 dei6-2 - kind of red
      bok6-2 dei6-2 - kind of thin
      dei6-2 - to be kind of scared
      dei6-2 - kind of short
17. =====Usage notes=====
18. (Hokkien, Teochew) Alternative form of 塊 (-, t=place)
19. (Taiwanese Hokkien) Alternative form of 塊 (-, t=home)
20. Variant of 哋
1. (obsolete) to cut and polish jade
2. to put in order; to tidy up
     整理 (zhěnglǐ) - to tidy
      頭髮 (bǎ tóufà lǐ yī lǐ) - to get a haircut
3. to manage; to run; to handle
     理財 (lǐcái) - to manage money matters
4. (usually in negative) to pay attention to; to care about
     他們 。 (Tāmen bù lǐ wǒ.) - They are ignoring me.
      自己 。 - He doesn't care about even his own son.
5. (Cantonese) to concern oneself with; to interfere with
     Synonyms: cmn:
6. texture; grain (of wood)
     肌理 (jīlǐ) - skin texture
7. reason; logic; truth; science
     真理 (zhēnlǐ) - truth
     講理 (jiǎnglǐ) - to be reasonable
8. natural science
     理科 (lǐkē) - the sciences
     數理化 (shùlǐhuà) - mathematics, physics and chemistry
9. (obsolete) envoy; jail-official; matchmaker

地 ⇨ 土 + 也
Component Pinyin Meanings
1. earth; soil
     土堆 - mound; hillock
     這兒r 。 - The soil here is quite fertile.
2. (dialectal) dust
3. land
     國土 - territory
     寸土不讓 - to not give up a single inch of one's territory
4. crude opium
     煙土 - crude opium
5. hometown; native place
     故土 - native land; native place
6. local; native; indigenous
     土著 - aboriginal
     土話 - local dialect
7. rustic; unsophisticated; uncouth; vulgar; tasteless; uncultured
      覺得 東北話 實在 。 - I think that Northeastern Mandarin is too rustic.
8. indigenous; traditional and used by the common people
     土法 - traditional method used by the common people; indigenous method
      - gun manufactured using indigenous methods
9. the Tu ethnic group; Monguor people; White Mongol
10. Short for 土耳其, Turkey
      戰爭 - Russo-Turkish War
11. Only used in 土門 (tr=Túmén)
12. Simplified form of 士
1. also; too; as well; (in negative sentences) neither; either
      。 - I also went.
      中國人。 - I am Chinese too.
      如果 。 - If you don't go, I won't either.
      沒有 看見 。 - I haven't seen it either.
2. (Used for emphasis.)
      不像話 。 - This is way too outrageous.
3.    (With object fronting.)
4.   他 飯 也 不 吃,覺 也 不 睡。 - (Disappointingly) he neither eats nor sleeps.
5.    (Used in the (m, zh, 連……也……) constructions for stronger emphasis. Interchangeable with 都.) even
6.   他 連 畜生 也 不如,連 自己 的 父母 也 不 養活。 - He is no better than an animal, because he doesn't even support his own parents.
7.    (Used in the (m, zh, 再……也……) concessive constructions.) still, anyway, nevertheless
8.   你 再 聰明,也 回答 不了liǎo 這 個 問題。 - No matter how smart you are, you won't be able to answer this question.
9. (Classical) (Particle used at the end of copular constructions involving a nominal predicate;) to be (although not grammatically a verb)
      。 - I am a person, too.
      西 天下 。 - In the west there are great mountains, which are the tallest in the world.
10.    (Often used more loosely than the English copula to indicate a cause or relation.)
11. (Classical) (Topic-marking particle used at the end of noun phrases.)
12.    when, at the time of; (especially commonly used for temporal topics, often as (m, zh, 及其……也).)
13. (Classical) (Verb phrase-final particle marking continuous aspect, especially common for assertions of unchanging fact.)
14. (Teochew) if
15. . Ye

理 ⇨ 王 + 里
Component Pinyin Meanings
wáng 1. king; monarch
     國王 - king (of a nation)
      - King Cheng of Zhou
      男孩 擁立 wéi 。 - The boy was proclaimed king.
2. duke; prince
     王侯 - nobles; aristocrats, lit=princes and marquises
     親王 - prince
      - - Li Shimin, the Prince of Qin
3. best or strongest of its kind
     拳王 - boxing champion
     百獸 獅子 還是 老虎? - Is the lion or the tiger the king of beasts?
4. chief; head; ringleader
     擒賊先擒王 - to defeat the enemy, first catch their chief
5. (chess) king
6. (graph theory) king (a vertex in a directed graph which can reach every other vertex via a path with a length of at most 2)
     任意 競賽圖 。 - In every tournament there exists a king.
     Wang; Wong; Ong; Heng
      - Wang Bo (Tang dynasty poet)
      - - Wang Yanzheng (Emperor of Min)
1. li (a unit of distance equal to half a kilometre in modern Mainland China)
     公里 - kilometre
2. neighbourhood (formal or informal grouping of adjacent dwellings; the size vary according to different historical sources)
     鄰里 - neighbours
3. urban village (an administrative unit in the Republic of China)
4. village (an administrative unit in South Korea and North Korea)
5. lane (a type of road in Hong Kong)
6. (Xiang) (Particle indicating the word preceding it is used as an adverb.)
7. Simplified form of 裡

也 ⇨ 乜 + 丨
Component Pinyin Meanings
miē 1. (Cantonese, Min Nan) what
      ? - What do you want?
      乜個? - tr=ain3 mih4 gai5?, What do you want?, MN-T
2. (Cantonese) anything; everything
      - anything goes
3. (Cantonese) why; how come
      ? - How come you're so stupid?
4. (Cantonese) (Used at the beginning of a question to give a rhetorical effect.)
      食飯 gaa4? - So you haven't eaten yet?
      消息 ? - So we still don't have any news about him?
5. =====Usage notes=====
6. In Teochew, when used to mean "what", this word should always be immediately followed by a noun. Otherwise, use 乜個.
miē 7. to narrow one's eyes and squint
Niè, Miě 8. , listed 388th in the Baijiaxing
9. (dialectal Mandarin) that
10. (Hakka) also
gǔn 1. line
2. be through up and down