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Characters using the Radical

Word Components Pinyin Meanings
1. Variant of 當
2. Simplified form of 噹
⺈小 1. Variant of 爾
一小 1. Simplified form of 東
厂白小 yuán 1. meadow; field; plain; prairie; tundra; wilderness
2. source; origin; beginning
3. Original form of 源 (fountainhead; source)
4. basic; fundamental
5. original; primary
6. originally; at the beginning
7. to originate; to arise
8. to trace the source; to probe into
9. (literary, or in compounds) to forgive; to pardon
     原諒 - to forgive
     原宥 - to forgive
     goânchêng - to forgive, MN
小丿 shǎo 1. few; little in number; less; not many
      shǎo 知道 實情。 - Very few people know the truth.
     只有 shǎo 麵包 餅乾gān。 - There is only very little bread and biscuits.
2. weak; inadequate; insufficient
3. to lack; to be short of; to be deficient
     臥室 shǎo 電燈泡。 - There's a light bulb missing in the bedroom.
      - missing a bowl of rice
      螺絲 - forgot to install two screws
4. to reduce (the amount or extent); to weaken; to lose; to stop; to cease
      shǎo 東西xi。 - He lost something in his house.
     shǎo 廢話! - Stop chattering!
5. slightly; moderately; a little; a bit
6. seldom; rarely; infrequently
     懶惰 shǎo 成功。 - Lazy people seldom succeed.
7. in a little while; in a moment
8. 5th tetragram of the Taixuanjing (?)
shào 9. young; youthful; juvenile
      歲數 zhǎng 。 - Despite her age, she still looked young.
10. later in a sequence; younger; youngest
11. childhood; youth; young period
12. young man; youngster; junior
13. (historical) deputy; assistant
14. (historical) young master of a rich family
      siu3 - second young master -
幺小 1. Variant of 絲
二小 shì 1. to show; to reveal; to indicate; to notify; to instruct
shí 2. Variant of 置
3. Variant of 祇
子小 1. Simplified form of 孫
禾白小彡 1. (historical) the right side position of tablets in ancestral shrines
2. (figurative) right side
3. reverent; respectful
4. magnificent and beautiful; majestic
5. solemn; solemnly silent
6. calm; mild; gentle
7. harmonious; peaceful
8. pure; honest
9. profound and lasting; far-reaching
10. Short for 穆罕默德, Muhammad
11. Short for 穆斯林, Muslim
亠口小 jīng 1. capital (city)
     京城 - capital city
     京畿 - capital city and its surrounding area
     泰京 - (Thailand) Bangkok (the capital city of Thailand)
     墨京 - (dated) Mexico City (the capital city of Mexico)
2. Short for 北京, Beijing after 1949
     京劇 - Beijing opera
     京腔 - Beijing accent
3. Short for 南京, Nanjing during 1927 - 1948
4. Short for 京都, Kyoto when referring Japan-related topics
jīng 5. adj. ethnic Vietnamese from China
小土 1. Variant of 塵
xiāo 1. Variant of 蕭
小大 jiān 1. sharp; having a sharp tip; pointy
2. acute
3. shrewd
4. point; tip
     筆尖 - tip of a pen
5. (card games) ace
小隹 què, qiǎo, qiāo 1. sparrow, especially the Eurasian tree sparrow (Passer montanus)
2. small bird
3. (literary) dark red; brownish red
4. (Cantonese, dialectal Hakka) bird
     雀竇 - bird nest
小提琴 小提琴 xiǎotíqín 1. n. (musical instruments) violin
      小提琴 - to play the violin -
阝小日小 1. crack; crevice; gap
2. free time; spare time
3. opportunity (to take advantage of)
4. enmity; resentment; grudge
乃小 1. (Zhongyuan Mandarin, Lanyin Mandarin) small (attn, zh, Sichuanese?)
2. (Zhongyuan Mandarin) (Prefix used before a name to indicate affection, similar to 小.)
3. (Xian, &, Lanzhou Mandarin) money