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Characters using the Radical

Word Components Pinyin Meanings
覀女 yāo 1. to demand; to ask; to request
     yāo - to request
2. to force; to coerce
     yāo - to threaten, to blackmail
3. to promise
     yāo - to restrict, to agree to a contract/offer/bid
4. to block; to intercept
     yāo - to intercept, to ambush
5. (obsolete) Alternative form of 邀 (-, t=to invite)
6. (obsolete) Alternative form of 腰 (-, t=waist)
7. (obsolete) contract of alliance
     久要yāo - former contract
yào 8. to want; to wish
      睡覺jiào。 - I want to sleep.
      ? - Do you want some tea?
9. to wish to have or keep
      番茄醬 ? - Do you want ketchup?
      ? - Do you still want this book?
      手機。 - He wants to have a new cell phone.
10. to ask for
      啤酒。 - I asked for a bottle of beer.
     弟弟 媽媽 。 - My brother asked mom for money again.
11. to request
      。 - He requested that I buy a book for him.
     老闆bǎn 馬上 回覆。 - My boss demanded that I reply immediately.
12. to need
      這裡 上海 小時。 - It takes two hours to reach Shanghai from here.
      孩子 多少 ? - How much does it take to raise a child?
13. will; going to (future auxiliary)
      。 - I am going to go.
      我們 遲到 。 - I fear that we will be late.
     出便 hak1, 好似 落雨 。 - It looks like it's going to rain outside.
14. should; must; to have to
     不要 。 - Don't drink alcohol.
      今天 一定 看病。 - You must go to the doctor today.
      一會兒r, 老闆板 現在 de 不可開交。 - You have to wait a moment. My boss is extremely busy now.
15. vital; important
     要職 - important post
     主要 - main
16. important points; essentials
17. if; in case of
      腰帶 用不著着zháo 吊帶 。 - You don't need braces if you're wearing a belt.
18. (dated Shanghainese Wu) (Used to indicate the future tense.)
19. usage. Beware that lit=to want rice is a phrase with the meaning "to be a beggar/loafer" which is insulting to others and should be avoided when asking a person whether they want rice.
yǎo 20. (archaic) Alternative form of 偠
21. (zh-used, 要褭)
女也 1. Variant of 姐
2. she, her (from 1910s)
      。 - She went away.
      認識shi 。 - I know her.
3. =====Usage notes=====
女子 hǎo 1. good; well
      ? - How are you?
      maa3? - How are you?
      主意! - That's a good idea!
     (ant, zh, )
2. Used as an interjection.
3.    good; very well; nice
4.    OK; alright
5.   好,明天 見。 - OK, see you tomorrow.
6.   好,我們 今天 就 到 這裡li。 - Alright, we will stop here today.
7.    fine
8. friendly; close; acquainted
      朋友 - good friend
     他們 。 - They are very kind to me.
9. (specifically) to start dating; to become romantic partners
      。 - They are in a relationship.
10. done; ready
      。 - I'll be ready very soon.
11. to be good to; easy to
      水龍頭 。 - This tap turns easily.
      事兒r 。 - This matter is not easy to deal with.
12. (making it) convenient; easy for
      東西 收拾 乾淨 打掃 房間。 - Put stuff away so that I can clean the room.
     他們 鏡子 反射 陽光 救援 飛機 發現。 - They used a mirror to reflect sunlight and help the search-and-rescue aircraft find them.
13. to recover from an illness
      。 - He's been sick for several months and still hasn't recovered.
     好返 - to get better; to recover; to heal
14. (somewhat, dialectal) very; quite; rather; so
      xīng ! - I'm so excited!
      - quite a few days
      中文man4-2 老師 好人 ! - My Chinese teacher is a very nice person!
      唔係 鍾意 。 - I don't really like you doing it that way.
     潮州話 好學潮州話 惡學。 (diê5 ziu1 uê7 hoh4 ho2 oh8. diê5 ziu1 uê7 hoh4 oh4 oh8., ref=) - Teochew is very easy to learn. Teochew is very hard to learn., MN-T
15. a pleasure to (do something); good for (doing something)
     好吃 - delicious
     好用 - a joy to use
     好聽 - pleasant-sounding
     ni1 使。 - This knife is pretty good to use.
16. properly; carefully
     記得 雨具! - Remember to bring along rain gear! / Make sure your rain gear is on you!
      ! - Now listen carefully!
      - eat well and sleep well
      功課 - to do one's homework (as one should)
17. Particle used after verbs to denote the completion or near-completion of an action.
     作業 ? - Have you finished your homework?
18. Used after a noun or pronoun as a greeting.
     . - hello
     大家. - hello, everyone
     老師 - hello, teacher
19. greeting
     問好 - say hello
      好兒r。 - Say hi for me to your mom.
20. Particle denoting agreement, support or wish to terminate a conversation.
21. Particle denoting dissatisfaction in ironical sentences.
22. such; what
      美麗 茉莉花。 - What a beautiful jasmine., ref=18ᵗʰ century ᴄᴇ, Molihua, a Jiangnan folk song
23. (dialectal) can; should
      進來 ? - Can I come in?
     十二 laa3, 瞓覺 laa3。 - It's twelve now. You should go to bed.
      ? - You are really arguing about this?, lit=That can be argued?
24. (Southwestern Mandarin, Xiang) how (gl-lite, to what degree)
25. (rail) cleared
26. Track 3, Switcher 2, Signal is cleared
27. , , ref=
hào 28. to be fond of; to like
     hào學不倦 - to like to learn without feeling tired -
     餃子zi hào zhèn 口兒r! - The dumplings smell so delicious! I indeed like this!, M-UIB
29. to have a tendency to; to be prone to; good to; easy to
30. (dialectal Mandarin, Wu) can; to be able to
      流利 上海閒話 ?? - tr=3non&2hau&3lieu li&5geq&2kaan&3zaan he hhe hho&0vaq, Can you speak Shanghainese fluently?, SH
     Synonyms: , 可以
女马 1. Simplified form of 媽
女台 shǐ 1. beginning; start
2. to begin; to start
3. initial; first
4. proto-; eo-
5. then; only then; only after
宀女 ān 1. calm; peaceful; tranquil; quiet
     安寧 - peaceful; tranquil
     安睡 - to sleep peacefully
     不安 - uneasy; disturbed
2. comfortable; at ease
     安逸 - easy and comfortable
3. safe; secure
     安然無恙 - safe and sound
     轉危為wéi - avert a danger
4. to calm; to pacify
     安神 - to calm the nerves
     除暴安良 - to get rid of bullies and bring peace to good people
     Tiān安門 - Tiananmen, Beijing; literally "the gate of Heaven's peacemaking".
5. to feel satisfied with
     安於現狀 - to be content with the status quo (and unwilling to progress)
     安貧樂道 - to be happy to live a simple and virtuous life
6. to find a place for; to plant
     安插 - to place (somebody) in a certain position
     安家落戶 - to settle in a new place
7. to fit; to install
      電燈 - to install electric lighting
8. to cherish; to harbour
9. to confer (a title); to bestow; to put (the blame on someone)
     隨便 罪名 -
10. (literary) where
11. (literary) how; why
12. (physics) Short for 安培, ampere
13. Short for 安非他命, amphetamine
     吸安 - to use amphetamine (illegally)
      祿- - An Lushan
14.    (historical) . Given to people from the Arsacid or Parthian Empire (tr=-)
15. Short for 安那其主義, anarchism
女人 女人 nǚrén 1. n. woman; adult female
     一個 陌生 女人 來信 - a letter from an unknown woman
      不要臉 女人 講話。 - I don't wish to speak to such a shameless woman.
2. n. (colloquial) lover; mistress
3. n. =====Usage notes=====
nǚren, nǚrén 4. n. (colloquial) wife
女昏 hūn 1. to marry; to get married
2. wedding; marriage
3. family of wife
女母 1. woman who looks after small children
m̄, mū 2. Only used in 姆媽
3. Only used in 姆們
戌女 wēi 1. pomp
2. power
3. powerful
4. to dominate; to display power
5. (Cantonese) imposing; awe-inspiring
6. (Cantonese) to be imposing; to be awe-inspiring
7. (Hokkien) Alternative form of 揻 (ui, t=to prick; to poke; to bore)
女孩 女孩 nǚhái 1. n. girl
     一個 女孩 - a ten-year-old girl
      下來 女孩。 - He caught the girl who jumped from the building.
     受傷- 15 女孩。 - A 15-year-old girl was among the injured.
2. n. young woman; lass
      漂亮 女孩 暗戀 已久。 - He had long had a crush on the pretty young woman.
女那 nuó 1. beautiful; graceful
2. (zh-used2, n, 1p=female)
     歐陽 @nà - Ouyang Nana
女尼 1. (dialectal, affectionate or pejorative) girl
女兼 xián 1. to be sick of; to be tired of; to be fed up with
2. (Cantonese, transitive) to mind; to dislike; to be dissatisfied of
     後面 司機 paa4 。 - The driver behind me is disatisfied of me being so slow, so they cut in front of me.
3. (literary, or in compounds) hatred; enmity; resentment; grudge
4. (literary, or in compounds) to doubt; to suspect
5. (literary, or in compounds) suspicion (the state of being suspected)
6. (literary, or in compounds) to be similar to; to be about the same as; to approximate
7. (literary, or in compounds) to guess; to surmise; to conjecture
女尔 1. (chiefly Taiwanese Mandarin)you (singular, female)
2. =====Usage notes=====
3. This character is mostly used in Traditional Chinese when referring to a female person. Although 妳 is rarely used in Simplified Chinese, it may still be found in some contexts.
4. Variant of 嬭
女口 1. to be like; as; as if; as though
2. to comply with; to agree with; to fit
     如此 - accordingly; according to this
3. such as; for example; for instance
     比如 - for instance
4. (usually in the negative) to be as good as; to be comparable to
      自愧.不如 用功成績 不如 也是 理所當然。 - I admit, regrettably, that I did not work as hard as you did. It's only proper that my grades were nowhere as good as yours.
5. than; more than
6. if; supposing
     作者 水平 有限 錯漏 大家 指正。 - The author's ability has its limits; feedback regarding errors and omissions is welcome.
     突如其來 - all of a sudden (literally, "it comes, like charging")
     空空如也 - empty
7. (obsolete) you
     如廁 - to go to the toilet
女家 jià 1. (of a woman) to marry; to become married to
      出去 - to be unable to get married (to anyone); to be left on the shelf
      去年 大學 同學。 - She married her university classmate last year.
2. to give a daughter in marriage; to marry off
      女兒 - to give a daughter in marriage; to try to marry off a daughter
3. (figurative) to transfer; to shift (harm, charge, etc.); to put the (blame) on another person
     嫁禍於人 - to shift the blame on others
女良 niáng 1. woman, especially a young girl
     姑娘niang - girl
2. (colloquial) mother; ma
3. wife of another person
      - father's third elder brother; wife of a father's third elder brother
4. elderly lady
5. (religion) "The Lady" (an epithet of the Fujianese sea goddess Mazu (媽祖)
6. (usually derogatory of a man or a boy) girly; effeminate; feminine
     娘炮 - sissy
7. (Chinese linguistics) the Middle Chinese initial of (ltc-l, 娘)
8. (Cantonese) old-fashioned
女彐 1. Simplified form of 婦
2. Variant of ?
女免 miǎn 1. to give birth to a child
wǎn, miǎn 2. (literary) beautiful; delicate; fine
3. (literary) complaisant; agreeable
wàn 4. A surname.
5. Alternative form of 萬
fàn 6. (Alternative form 嬎) to reproduce