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Characters using the Radical

Word Components Pinyin Meanings
八刀 fēn 1. to divide; to separate
      工作 階段 進行。 - This exercise is divided into two stages.
      - split into 5 pieces
2. to distribute; to allocate; to assign; to allot
      兒子 比薩餅。 - He shared a pizza with his son.
      一起 苹果。 - He divided the apples with me.
     他們 住房。 - They were allotted a house to live in.
3. to distinguish; to differentiate; to tell apart
      他們他們 。 - I cannot tell them apart. They are very much alike.
      懦夫 蠻力 大丈夫 氣概 恃強凌弱 。 - He's a coward and a bully who confuses physical strength with manhood.
4. to break up; to end a relationship; to separate
5. (Hakka, Teochew, Hainanese) to give
6. (Hakka, Teochew) by
     pûn - to be scolded (by people), H
7. minute (unit of time)
     分鐘 - minute
     現在 7 45 。 - It's quarter to eight now.
8. minute (unit of angle, 1/60 of a degree)
9. fraction; proportion
     used to indicate a fraction
10. (education, competition, etc.) point; mark
     本題 五十 。 - This question counts for 50 points.
      多少shǎo ? - What's my score?
      - to get high marks
11. (Shanghainese Wu, slang) ten of a currency designation
12. (Shanghainese Wu, by extension) money
      - tr=3hhue+1fen, to return money, SH
13. one tenth
14. deci- (SI unit prefix)
15. (numismatics) 0.01 yuan (or dollar, etc.); cent
16. one tenth of a a unit of length
17.    (Hong Kong) fan, legally defined as 0.00371475 metres
18.    (Mainland) Short for 市分 (,) equivalent to 0.33 cm
19. one tenth of a a unit of area
20. a candareen (a unit of weight), one tenth of a cash
21. (historical) an ancient small unit of time
22. (Taiwanese Hokkien) to beg (ask for food or money as charity)
fèn 23. part; share; portion
24. ingredient; component
25. duty; responsibility
26. status; standing
27. lot; fate; destiny
28. mutual affection
29. Alternative form of 份 (classifier)
30. Short for 分之
31. =====Usage notes=====
32. Many of the senses are now written with the specialised character 份.
角刀牛 jiě 1. to loosen; to unfasten; to untie
     解開 鞋帶 - to untie the shoelaces
     解放 - to release; to liberate
     Antonyms: ,
2. to divide; to break up; to split; to separate
     解析 - to break up; to analyse
     分解 - to split; to reduce to components
     解剖 - to dissect
3. to excrete; to go to the toilet
     小解 - to empty one's bladder
4. to remove; to eliminate
     解除 - to remove; to undo; to cancel
5. to dissolve; to become scattered, less substantial, or less visible
     溶解 - to dissolve (in a liquid)
6. to resolve
     解決 - to solve/resolve (a problem)
     冤家..... - to resolve conflicts, not to create them
7. to solve; to find an answer
     未解之謎 - unanswered question
     解題 - to solve a problem
8. to explain
     解釋 - to explain; to provide the reasons, grounds, etc.
9. to understand; to interpret
     不解 - to not understand; to be perplexed
     解讀 - to read into; to interpret
10. (mathematics) solution
     近似 - approximate solution
11. interpretation; explanation; analysis; understanding
     不求甚解 - "to not run after over-interpretation".
12. 40th hexagram of the I Ching
jiè 13. to introduce a scholar to the imperial palace
     jiè - laureate of local examinations ("foremost among the presented scholars")
14. to send under escort
     押解jiè - to take away under escort
15. to pawn; to mortgage
16. to exchange (money)
xiè 17. skills; moves (of martial arts, dance, acrobatics, etc.)
     渾身解xiè - all one's skills
18. (dated, music) to conclude a piece; to complete
19. Used in 解廌 , Alternative form of 獬豸
20. Alternative form of 廨 (government office)
21. Alternative form of 懈 (to relax)
22. (Xie) (place name in Hedong, i.e.(河東))
hài 23. Used in 解州
七刀 qiē 1. to cut; to slice; to carve; to mince with a knife
2. to cut off; to disconnect
3. (mathematics) tangent
     正切qiē - tangent
     餘切qiē - cotangent
4. to switch
     Synonyms: 切換
     輸入法 qiē--- qiē--- 麻煩。 - Switching back and forth between IMEs all the time is so annoying.
qiè 5. to be close to
6. to bite tightly; to clench
7. to correspond to; to match
8. (TCM) to feel the pulse
9. eager; ardent
10. urgent; pressing
11. must; by all means
12. main point
13. (phonetics) Short for 反切, fanqie
qiè 14. Used in 一切 (all; every; everything; anything)
qiè 15. (Mandarin, mostly, women's speech, colloquial) (An interjection conveying a slight sense of disdain or dissatisfaction.)
16. (Cantonese) to be in time for; in time
     嚟得切cit3 - to (be able to) make it -
衤刀 chū 1. initial; inceptive
     初夏 - early summer
2. first
     初雪 - first snow
     初戀 - first love
3. prefix of dates from 1 in the Chinese calendar
     初三 - third day of a lunar month
4. original
     初衷 - one’s initial intention; original idea
5. elementary; basic
     初級 - elementary
6. beginning; start
     四月 - early April
     民初 - beginning of the Republic of China era
7. just
     初出茅廬 - to have just begun one's career without any experience, lit=to have just come out of one's thatched cottage
     如夢初醒 - to suddenly realize; to wake up to reality, lit=as if one has just waken up from a dream
前刀 jiǎn 1. to cut (paper, etc.)
     剪草機 - lawnmower (lit. grass-cutting machine)
     剪刀 - scissors (lit. cutting knife)
      指甲jia - to cut one's nails
刀口 zhào 1. imperial decree
2. to call together; to convene; to summon
3. temple or monastery (used in placenames in Inner Mongolia)
Shào      Shao
4. State of Shao, an ancient state that existed in modern-day Shaanxi Province
忄刀 dāo 1. (literary) sad; grieved; worried; distressed
2. (literary) wordy; garrulous
1. (historical) title deed; deed of trust; bond; contract
2. ticket; pass; coupon; voucher; certificate
     入場券 - admission ticket
xuàn, quàn 3. (architecture) arch (on bridges, doors, windows)
宀頁刀 guǎ 1. few; scant
     - - person of meager virtue
2. widowed
3. widow
4. alone; friendless
5. tasteless
     zing6 好似 wo3。 - It's kind of tasteless to eat vegetables only.
6. (Hokkien) some
      菜市仔 青菜。 - I'm going to the market to buy some vegetables., TW
7. (Min Zhong) one
口刀 dāo, dáo 1. to talk on; to chatter; to be excessively talkative
2. (ideophonic, of a person near death) gasping for breath; breathing heavily
tāo 3. Alternative form of 饕 (to be greedy for)
4. (humble, used when receiving favour from others) to get the benefit of
辟刀 pī, pǐ 1. to slit; to chop; to cleave
      柴火 - to chop firewood
2. to crack; to split open
3. (dialectal, of voice) to become hoarse
4. to be right against (one's head, face, etc.)
5. (of lightning)​ to strike; to destroy
6. wedge
7. to divide; to split
8. to break off; to strip off
9. (Cantonese) to cut down prices sharply
     劈價 - to reduce price sharply
10. (Cantonese) to drink large amount of alcohol
     劈酒 - to booze up
11. (Cantonese) to drive at high speed
      - to drive through a bend fast
剪刀 剪刀 jiǎndāo 1. n. scissors
      剪刀 理髮 - to cut hair with scissors
刀丿 rèn 1. blade; knife edge
2. sword; knife
3. (literary) to kill with a sword or knife