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Chinese Word of the Day

hēi bǎn



Chinese > English
     1. n. blackboard (from late 19th c.)
           把 黑板 擦 乾gān淨 - to wipe the blackboard clean -
           他 給 了 我 一 支 粉筆,讓 我 在 黑板 上 寫 下 自己 的 名字。 - He gave me a piece of chalk and asked me to write my name on the blackboard.
     2. n. (literary, literally) black plank
English > Chinese
     1. 黑板
hēi, hěi, hè
     1. black
           黑色 - black color
           她 戴 著zhe 黑 帽子zi。 - She's wearing a black hat.
     2. dark; darkness
           這麼 黑,我 看 不 見。 - It's so dark; I can't see.
           她 很 怕 黑。 - She is very afraid of the dark.
           成seng4 間 房fong4-2 好 黑。 - The whole room is very dark.
     3. evening; night
     4. illegal; clandestine; secret; shady
           黑市 - black market
           黑幫 - criminal gang
           昨天 他們 在 公園 開 了 個 黑 會。 - They had a clandestine meeting in the park yesterday.
     5. (colloquial) to illegally reside (in a country)
     6. sinister; evil
     7. to make fun of; to mock
     8. (computing) to hack
           黑客 - hacker
           你 可以 黑-掉 亨德森 辦公室 的 電腦 嗎? - Can you hack into Henderson's office computer?
     9. (colloquial) to libel
           這 件 事,我 可 是 有.一.說.一,不 吹 不 黑。 - As for this thing, I say it as it is and don't boast or libel.
           這 是 × × 被 黑 得de 最 慘 的 一.次。 - This is the time when **** is libelled the most badly.
     10. one who libels
     11. (by extension) hater; anti-fan
     12. (Cantonese) unlucky; unfortunate
     13. (Hui, euphemistic) pig; pork
     14. Short for 黑龍江, Heilongjiang province
     15. (Hokkien, Teochew, Hainanese) Alternative form of 烏 (-, t=black)
     1. plank; board
           木板 - board; plank
           玻璃 板 - glass board
     2. blackboard
           (zh-x, 板報)
     3. sluggish; stiff; inflexible
           呆板 - sluggish
           古板 - stuffy; old-fashioned and inflexible
     4. to harden; hardened
     5. (internet) board (sub-unit of a larger BBS or imageboard)
     6. (music) clapper
     7. (music) beat; meter; rhythm (in music or Chinese opera)
           行板 - andante
           散sǎn板 - sanban
     8. to look serious or displeased
     9. (literary or Min Nan) wooden coffin
     10. (Min Nan) ability; capability; talent
     11. (Suzhou) to have to; must
           噶 聲 閒話 板 是 俚 說 噶。 - That voice must be his., W-SZ, ref=1993, 蘇州方言詞典, page 19
     12. Variant of 闆
     1. Only used in 老闆
     2. to look from a door (attn, zh, please check: 門中視)
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