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Chinese Word of the Day

chuáng tóu guì

bedside table


Chinese > English
     1. Simplified form of 床頭櫃
     1. n. bedside table, cabinet or cupboard
     1. Simplified form of 床頭
     1. n. head of a bed; bedhead
     2. n. (Haifeng Min) table
     1. bed; couch
     2. framework; chassis
           車床 - lathe
           牙床 - gingiva
     3. (Teochew, Leizhou Min, Hainanese, Puxian Min, Zhongshan Min) table
     4. (obsolete) rails of the well
     5. bottom; bed
           河床 - riverbed
           岩床 - sill
           一 床 棉被 - one cotton-wadded quilt
     1. Simplified form of 頭
     1. (anatomy) head
           我 頭 不再 痛 了。 (Wǒ tóu bùzài tòng le.) - My head doesn't hurt any more.
     2. hair; hairstyle
           洗頭 (xǐtóu) - to wash one's hair
           把 頭 剃 光 (bǎ tóu tì guāng) - to shave one's head
     3. beginning or end
           從 頭 開始 (cóng tóu kāishǐ) - to start from the beginning
     4. top; tip; end
           山頭 - shāntóu - top of a mountain
           火柴 頭 - huǒchái tóu - tip of a match
     5. chief; boss; leader (person that leads or directs)
           工頭 - gōngtóu - foreman
           你們 的 頭兒r 是 誰? (Nǐmen de tóur shì shéi?) - Who is your leader?
     6. remnant; end
           布頭兒r - bùtóur - oddment
           煙頭 - yāntóu - cigarette bud
     7. first; leading
           頭獎 - tóujiǎng - first prize; biggest prize
           頭 班 車 - tóu bān chē - first departure
     8. (used before a classifier or a numeral) first
           頭 一 遍 - tóu yī biàn - the first time
           頭 三 天 - tóu sān tiān - the first three days
           頭 幾個 - tóu jǐge - the first few
     9. (Hakka, Min Nan, dated in Mainland China) station
           車頭 - chhia-thâu - train station, MN
     10. side; aspect
     11. (Teochew) at the same time; simultaneously
           头 尋 头 呌 门外 来 (tao5 cim5 tao5 giê3 mung5 ghua7 lai5, ref=late Qing/early Republic, anonymous, 古板一世報全歌) - While searching and shouting he went outdoors., MN-T
     12. (Cantonese) plug; connector; Short for 插頭, tr=-
           type C 頭tau4-2 - type C tau4-2 - USB Type-C connector, C
           我 有 兩 頭 豬。 (Wǒ yǒu liǎng tóu zhū.) - I have two pigs.
     13. (dialectal)
     14. (Min Bei)
     15. Suffix that forms nouns.
     16.    Added to a noun.
     17.   罐頭tou (guàntou) - can; tin
     18.   石頭tou (shítou) - rock
     19.    Added to a locative word.
     20.   裡頭tou (lǐtou) - inside
     21.   前頭tou (qiántou) - front
     22.    Added to a verb to form an abstract noun.
     23.   念頭tou (niàntou) - thought; idea
     24.    Added to an adjective to form an abstract noun.
     25.   甜頭tou (tiántou) - sweet taste; benefit
     1. Simplified form of 櫃
     2. , a type of willow
     3. (zh-used, 柜柳,)
     1. cabinet; cupboard
     2. wardrobe
     3. counter
     4. (Hong Kong, Taiwan) Short for 貨櫃, shipping container
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chuáng tóu guì

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