Catalan Word of the Day
Catalan > English |
tallar |
1. v. to cut |
2. v. to slice, cut |
tallar pa - slice bread |
3. v. to cut off, slice off, chop off |
4. v. to cut down (e.g. a tree) |
5. v. to cut up (e.g. a piece of paper) |
6. v. to cut out |
7. v. to cut short |
8. v. to cut, take a shortcut |
9. v. to cut (cards) |
Review previous words
olorar | foc | esquena | píndola |
marró | bufanda | trenta-un | gran |
barret | nadó | rentaplats | cinquanta-dos |
platja | setanta-cinc | setanta-un | polze |
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