Catalan Word of the Day
Catalan > English |
pica |
1. n-f. bowl |
pica beneitera |
2. n-f. sink |
de mica en mica s'omple la pica - q=proverb |
3. n-f. (weapons) pike |
4. n-f. (card games) spade |
5. n-f. (pathology) pica (disorder characterized by craving and appetite for non-edible substances) |
6. n-f. peak, summit |
7. n-f. pika (small, furry mammal) |
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olorar | foc | esquena | píndola |
marró | bufanda | trenta-un | gran |
barret | nadó | rentaplats | cinquanta-dos |
platja | setanta-cinc | setanta-un | polze |
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