Catalan Word of the Day
Catalan > English |
cinc |
1. num. (cardinal) five |
2. n-m. five |
3. n-m. (castells) a castell built with five castellers on each level |
©Example Sentences
Un, dos, tres, quatre, cinc, sis, set, vuit, nou, deu. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Ve aquí cada cinc dies. He comes here every five days. Vam trucar a la porta durant cinc minuts, però va ser en va. We knocked at the door for five minutes, but in vain. |
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cuixa | cinquanta-tres | pala | branca |
anguila | pera | mirall | pica |
estirar | octubre | píndola | setanta |
tallar | pastanaga | setanta-vuit | eina |
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