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The Arabic word for left is


Translations for left and their definitions

     1. left (side)

     1. n. left
     2. v. masculine third-person singular non-past indicative passive of سَارَ
     3. v. masculine third-person singular non-past subjunctive passive of سَارَ
     4. v. masculine third-person singular non-past indicative active of سَارَّ
     5. v. masculine third-person singular non-past indicative active of سَارَرَ
     6. v. masculine third-person singular non-past indicative passive of سَارَّ
     7. v. masculine third-person singular non-past indicative passive of سَارَرَ
     8. v. masculine third-person singular non-past subjunctive active of سَارَّ
     9. v. masculine third-person singular non-past subjunctive active of سَارَرَ
     10. v. masculine third-person singular non-past jussive active of سَارَّ
     11. v. masculine third-person singular non-past jussive active of سَارَرَ
     12. v. masculine third-person singular non-past subjunctive passive of سَارَّ
     13. v. masculine third-person singular non-past subjunctive passive of سَارَرَ
     14. v. masculine third-person singular non-past jussive passive of سَارَّ
     15. v. masculine third-person singular non-past jussive passive of سَارَرَ
     16. v. masculine third-person singular non-past jussive active of سَارَّ
     17. v. masculine third-person singular non-past jussive active of سَارَرَ
     18. v. masculine third-person singular non-past jussive passive of سَارَّ
     19. v. masculine third-person singular non-past jussive passive of سَارَرَ

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