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Le mot anglais avancé du jour



anglais > français
     1. n. Effort.
     2. n. Effort, peine.
     3. n. Démarche, effort, peine, requête.
anglais > anglais
     1. n. The work involved in performing an activity; exertion.
           It took a lot of effort to find a decent-sized, fully-furnished apartment within walking distance of the office.   He made a conscious effort to not appear affected by the stories in
     2. n. An endeavour.
           Although he didn't win any medals, Johnson's effort at the Olympics won over many fans.
     3. n. A force acting on a body in the direction of its motion.
     4. v. (uncommon, intransitive) To make an effort.
     5. v. (obsolete, transitive) To stimulate.

Exemples de phrases

All her years of work and effort have gone up in flames. 
    Toutes ses années de travail et d'efforts sont parties en flammes.
I appreciate the effort. 
    Je te suis reconnaissant pour tes efforts.
It was a group effort. 
    C'était un effort de groupe.
We should consider a combined effort. 
    Il faudrait voir à unir les efforts.
No one can achieve anything without effort. 
    Personne ne peut accomplir quoi que ce soit sans effort.

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