Lexis Rex ホーム

文字  は英語で


     1. n. a letter, a character (symbol for a sound or a word)
     2. n. (linguistics) script, writing system
     3. n. (specific to Japanese) a written mora, a kana
     4. n. writing in general, written words
     5. n. (by extension from the “writing” sense) a document
     6. n. (by extension from the “writing” sense) reading and writing
     7. n. (by extension from the “writing” sense) studies
     8. n. Usage: This reading is less common than moji, below.
     9. n. a letter or character (symbol for a sound or a word)
     10. n. (linguistics) script, writing system
     11. n. (specific to Japanese) a written mora, a kana
     12. n. writing in general, written words
     13. n. (by extension from the “writing” sense) a document
     14. n. (by extension from the “writing” sense) reading and writing
     15. n. (by extension from the “writing” sense) studies
     16. n. (chiefly Kansai) the tails side of a coin, the side with writing on it
     17. n. (chiefly Kansai, by extension) a coin, money
     18. n. Usage: This reading is more common than monji above.
     19. n. Usage: The tails and coin, money senses are specific to this moji reading.


     1. 名詞. 文字。
     2. 名詞. 手紙てがみ
     3. 名詞. 北米でで用いられる用紙の規格(279 × 216 mm)。レターサイズ。
     4. 動詞. 文字を印刷する。
     5. 動詞. 表題を入れる。
     6. 動詞. 文字を記す。

     1. 動詞. writeの現在分詞
     2. 名詞. かくこと
     3. 名詞. 執筆
     4. 名詞. 文書
     5. 名詞. 書類
     6. 名詞. 書体
     7. 名詞. 筆跡
     8. 名詞. 著作
     9. 名詞. 作品

     1. 名詞. 手書き。
     2. 名詞. スクリプト体。
     3. 名詞. 台本。
     4. 名詞. 字母体系、文字。
           I can write Arabic script. - アラビア文字を書くことができます。

     1. 名詞. 性質。
           (genetics) A single locus governing the petal colour character was detected on the linkage group A2.
     2. 名詞. 性格、人格。
           A study of the suspect's character and his cast iron alibi ruled him out.
     3. 名詞. 品性、気骨、剛毅、清廉。
           He has a great deal of character.
           'You may not like to eat liver,' said Calvin's father, 'but it builds character.'
     4. 名詞. 特徴的な人物。奇人変人。
           Julius Caesar is a great historical character.
           That bloke is such a character.
     5. 名詞. (物語などの)登場人物、キャラクター。
     6. 名詞. 記号、文字。
     7. 名詞. 字体、筆跡。
           an inscription in the Runic character
     8. 名詞. (computing) キャラクター。
     9. 名詞. (mathematics) 指標、複素数(complex number)。
     10. 名詞. 地位、資格。
           in the miserable character of a slave
           in his character as a magistrate
     11. 名詞. (dated) 評価、評判。
           a man's character for truth and veracity
           Her actions give her a bad character.
     12. 動詞. (obsolete) 書く、記述する。

