Lexis Rex ホーム

割る  は英語で
to split


     1. v. (ja-vp, 割る, 割れる)
     2. v. to break (into separate pieces)
           ガラスを粉々に割る - to break glass into pieces
     3. v. to crack
           卵を割る - to crack open an egg
     4. v. to split; to cut (apart)
     5. v. to separate
     6. v. to divide
           12を3で割ると4になる。 - Divide twelve by three and you get four.
           自治体を3つに割る - to divide a municipality into three municipalities
     7. conj. (mathematics) divided by
           12割る3は4。 - 12 divided by 3 is 4.
     8. v. alternative spelling of ja 割れる
     9. v. (internet slang) to get warez.


     1. 形容詞. 終わった、完了した。類義語: done, finished, ended, concluded
           The show is over.
     2. 形容詞. 別れた、縁を切った。類義語: through with
           He is finally over his ex-girlfriend.
     3. 形容詞. (接頭辞的に用いて)ひどく、過剰に、超。
           He is over-zealous...
           The latest policy was over-conservative...
     4. 副詞. また、再び
           I lost my paper and I had to do the entire assignment over.
     5. 副詞. 横倒しになって
           He tipped the bottle over, and the water came gushing out.
           That building just fell over!
           He bent over to touch his toes.
     6. 副詞. 移動して。
           Pass that over to me, will you?
           Come over and play!
           We walked over to the grocery store to buy snacks.
     7. 副詞. 横に動かして。
           Slide the toilet-paper dispenser's door over when one roll is empty in order to reveal the other.
           I moved over, making room for him to sit down.
     8. 副詞. 一晩(overnight)
           We stayed over at Grandma's.
           Can I sleep over?
     9. 前置詞. ~の上に
           There is a tree over the lawn.
           Hold the sign up over your head.
     10. 前置詞. ~をわたって
           There is a bridge over the river.
     11. 前置詞. ~を覆って
           There is a roof over the house.
           Drape the fabric over the table.
     12. 前置詞. ~よりもさらに(=more than)
           I prefer the purple over the pink.
     13. 前置詞. ~を超えて、超過して。
           I think I'm over my limit for calories for today.
     14. 名詞. (クリケット)攻守交替のアウト数。
     15. 間投詞. (無線通信の、文章の語尾につけて、相手の受信状況の確認を求める) 以上。
           How do you receive? Over.

