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Ежедневный Англи́йский Кроссворд - Средний

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Номер 2341


По горизонтали
1игра́ть (to play:act in a manner such that one has fun)
3предыду́щий (former:previous); бы́вший (former:previous); пе́рвый (former:first of aforementioned two items)
7подо́бный (similar:having traits or characteristics in common; alike; comparable); похо́жий (similar:having traits or characteristics in common; alike; comparable)
9масло; ма́сло (oil:liquid fat); нефть (oil:petroleum-based liquid)
10ухо; у́хо (ear:organ of hearing); у́ши (ear:organ of hearing)
12а́либи (alibi:criminal legal defense)
15тенде́нция (trend:an inclination in a direction); тренд (trend:an inclination in a direction); мо́да (trend:a fad)
16пистоле́т (gun:a very portable; short weapon; for hand use); ствол (gun:a very portable; short weapon; for hand use)
18лёд (ice:water in frozen form)
19шампунь; шампу́нь (shampoo:product for washing the hair or other fibres)
21дати́рование (dating:process of estimating the age of something)
22игра́ (game:playful activity; amusement; pastime)
По вертикали
1плака́т (poster:advertisement); афи́ша (poster:advertisement)
2цель (aim:point intended to be hit); це́литься (to aim:to point or direct a missile weapon); прице́ливаться (to aim:to point or direct a missile weapon)
4весло́ (oar:implement used to row a boat)
5прича́л (mooring:place to moor a vessel)
6пра́вило (rule:regulation); пра́вить (to rule:to regulate; be in charge of; make decisions for; reign over); вла́ствовать (to rule:to regulate; be in charge of; make decisions for; reign over)
8оставля́ть (to leave:to cause to remain as available; not take away; refrain from depleting); оста́вить (to leave:to cause to remain as available; not take away; refrain from depleting)
11отступле́ние (retreat:act of pulling back or withdrawing); отступа́ть (to retreat:to withdraw military forces); отступи́ть (to retreat:to withdraw military forces)
13И́ндия (India:the country)
14вся́кий (anyone:anybody); любо́й (anyone:anybody)
17вид (kind:type; race; category); разнови́дность (kind:type; race; category)
19со́лнце (sun:the star around which the earth revolves)
20горох; горо́х (pea:plant); горо́шек (pea:plant)

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