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Ежедневный Англи́йский Кроссворд - Легкий

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Номер 2341


По горизонтали
1ещё (else:other); ина́че (else:word that implies any result with the exception of the one being referred to)
3ствол (stem:botany: above-ground stalk of a vascular plant); сте́бель (stem:botany: above-ground stalk of a vascular plant)
7враг; проти́вник (enemy:someone who is hostile to; feels hatred towards; opposes the interests of; or intends injury to someone else)
9ушна́я боль (earache:pain in the ear); оталги́я (earache:pain in the ear)
13тря́пка (rag:piece of cloth); лоску́т (rag:piece of cloth)
14И́ндия (India:the country)
17говя́дина (beef:meat); теля́тина (beef:meat)
По вертикали
1всегда́ (ever:always)
2ви́деть (to see:perceive with the eyes)
4преподава́ть (to teach:to pass on knowledge); учи́ть (to teach:to pass on knowledge)
5моль (moth:insect similar to a butterfly); мотылёк (moth:insect similar to a butterfly)
6пирами́да (pyramid:ancient construction)
10а́нгел (angel:messenger from a deity)
11рисова́ть (to draw:to produce a picture); ничья́ (draw:tie as a result of a game); ра́вный счёт (draw:tie as a result of a game)
12полови́на (half:one of two equal parts into which anything may be divided); тайм (half:one of two equal parts into which anything may be divided)
15подлежа́щий оплата (due:owed or owing; to be paid by the stated time); причитаться (due:owed or owing; to be paid by the stated time); причита́ющийся (due:owed or owing; to be paid by the stated time)

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