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Spanish Phrase of the Day

por añadidura


Spanish > English
por añadidura
     1. adv. (idiom) in addition
     1. prep. by (indicates the creator of a work)
           La novela Cien años de soledad fue escrita por Gabriel García Márquez. - The novel One Hundred Years of Solitude was written by Gabriel García Márquez.
     2. prep. for (indicates something given in an exchange)
           Lo compré por cincuenta euros. - I bought this for fifty euros.
     3. prep. through, out, via (indicating movement)
     1. n-f. addition
     2. n-f. extra
     3. n-f. add-on
     4. n-f. Something that is added, especially something that a merchant gives to a buyer to complete the amount requested, or something extra given as a bonus; a gratuity, lagniappe

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