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The Vietnamese word for to hold is

to hold

Translations for to hold and their definitions

     1. v. to keep; to hold and maintain as one's own
           Giữ cái này chặt lại không thôi nó sẽ rớt ra. - Keep this tight or else it will fall out.
           giữ khoảng cách an toàn - to keep a safe distance
     2. v. to safeguard

     1. v. to hold, to keep
     2. v. to capture, to seize, to arrest
     3. n. (only in compounds, musical instruments) zither; string instrument
     4. n. (only in compounds) bird

     1. v. to hold; to grip; to grasp
     2. v. (figurative) to grasp (opportunity, power, etc.); to seize
     3. classifier. Used for a handful or fistful of something.

     1. v. to contain; to hold
     2. v. to shelter; to hide; to conceal (especially illicit items)

     1. v. to contain, to hold

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