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The Swedish word for bridge is


a bridgeen bro
the bridgebron
the bridgesbroarna

Translations for bridge and their definitions

bro ©
     1. n-c. bridge (a construction that spans a divide)
           Stan mellan broarna - The town between the bridges (Stockholm old town)
           Släpp ingen djävul över bron, håll ut en stund ännu! - Let no devil across the bridge, hold out yet a while!
     2. n-c. road bank (a road reenforced with stone or timber, in particular across wetlands)
     3. n-c. quay
     4. n-c. porch
           Jag får min motion när jag går ifrån bron och till vår garageuppfart. - I get my exercise when I walk from the porch to our driveway.

     1. n-c. (card games) bridge (card game)

     1. v. to bridge (to span as if with a bridge), connect, overarch

     1. n-c. a pier supported on piles or cribs, or floating on pontoons, used for mooring small boats or for bathing
     2. n-c. a bridge; nautical
     3. n-c. bridge; gymnastics
     4. n-c. (dentistry) a bridge (prosthesis replacing one or several adjacent teeth)
     5. v. to bridge (to create a connection; more commonly in the compound överbrygga, but also on its own)
           Jag bryggade bränslepumpsrelät och fick det omlött
             I bridged the fuel pump relay and had it resoldered
     6. v. to brew (to prepare liquor or coffee)

     1. n-c. (dentistry) a bridge (prosthesis replacing one or several adjacent teeth)

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