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The Swedish word for blanket is


a duvetett täcke
a duvetett täcke
the duvettäcket
the duvettäcket
the duvetstäckena
the blanketstäckena

Translations for blanket and their definitions

     1. adj. absolute definite natural masculine form of täck
     2. n. duvet

     1. n. blanket

     1. n. a store, a warehouse; a place where things are stored, for example before they are moved out to the sales area in a shop
     2. n. a supply, stock; the things in a store
     3. n. a layer; a single thickness of some material covering a surface
     4. n. a stratum; one of several parallel horizontal layers of material arranged one on top of another
     5. n. a bearing; a mechanical device that supports another part and/or reduces friction, especially between rotating parts.
     6. n. a laurel, a crown of laurel, an academic merit
           där de härliga lagrarna gro
             where the wonderful laurels grow (i.e. at the university)
           vila inte på lagrarna
             don't rest on your laurels (don't let old victories make you lazy)
     7. n. a lager; a type of beer

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