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Spanish Phrase of the Day

huevos revueltos


Spanish > English
huevos revueltos
     1. n. scrambled eggs
     1. n. plural of huevo
     2. n. (colloquial vulgar) guts, balls (courage, bravery)
          1. n-m. egg
                (coi, poner un huevo, to lay an egg)
          2. n-m. spawn
          3. n-m. (vulgar, slang) testicle
          4. n-m. (vulgar, slang) guts, balls, courage
     1. adj. masculine plural of revuelto
     2. Participle. masculine plural of revuelto
          1. adj. disordered, mixed, in a mess
          2. adj. scrambled (eggs)
          3. adj. agitated
          4. Participle. past participle of revolver

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