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The Hungarian word for school is

Translations for school and their definitions

     1. n. school (an institution dedicated to teaching and learning)

     1. n. (of bees and other insects) swarm, of birds flock
     2. n. (military) squad, section, squadron (with approx. 13 people)

     1. n. university
           (cot, főiskola)

     1. n. arm (upper limb of a human or animal)
     2. n. lever (a rod with one end fixed, which can be pulled to trigger or control a mechanical device)
     3. n. crank (bent piece of an axle used to impart a rotation to a mechanical device)
     4. n. (only with the suffix -ban, often preceded by or rossz) condition (the state or quality; the health status of a medical patient)
     5. n. faculty (scholarly staff at colleges or universities; usually preceded by the adjective denoting the members, e.g. tanári kar, , teaching staff)
     6. n. faculty (department at a university, e.g. that of arts, science, or law)
     7. n. a group of people performing together (choir, chorus, chorus line, ensemble, etc.)

     1. n. direction, trend, tendency

     1. n. college

     1. n. institute, institution, establishment

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