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French Phrase of the Day

ficher le camp


French > English
ficher le camp
     1. v. (informal) to get the hell out; to get out of here; to bugger off; to scarper
French > French
ficher le camp
     1. v. (Familier) Atténuation de foutre le camp, s'en aller, partir, se tirer, déguerpir.
           Fiche le camp d'ici !
           Tout le monde a fichu le camp en un rien de temps.
     2. v. (Familier) Tomber en ruine.
           Dans cette maison, tout fiche le camp!
     1. v. to plug in; to drive something in by its point, as with a nail or a stake
           ficher un clou - to drive in a nail
     2. v. to file, record, track (e.g. by police)
     3. v. to not care
           je m'en fiche ! - I don't care about it!
     1. Proper noun. surname, from=Vietnamese
     2. art. the (definite article)
           Le lait du matin. - The milk of the morning.
     3. art. Used before abstract nouns; not translated in English.
           L'amour est aveugle. - Love is blind.
     1. n-m. camp (An outdoor place acting as temporary accommodation in tents or other temporary structures.)
           Il a dressé son camp de l'autre côté de la rivière. ― He has erected his camp on the other side of the river.
     2. n-m. camp (Semi-temporary accommodation)
           Un camp de concentration. ― A concentration camp.
     3. n-m. camp (A base of a military group, not necessarily temporary)

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