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French Vocabulary: Actions

English French Pronounce Images
to bend se courberpronunciationse courber
to blink cligner des yeuxpronunciationcligner des yeux
to cough tousserpronunciationtousser
to cross your arms croiser les braspronunciationcroiser les bras
to cry pleurerpronunciationpleurer
to dance danserpronunciationdanser
to drink boirepronunciationboire
to eat mangerpronunciationmanger
to grip saisirpronunciationsaisir
to hit frapperpronunciationfrapper
to hold tenirpronunciationtenir
to kick donner un coup de piedpronunciationdonner un coup de pied
to kneel s'agenouillerpronunciations
to laugh rirepronunciationrire
to lick lécherpronunciationlécher
to listen écouterpronunciationécouter
to look regarderpronunciationregarder
to nod hocher de la têtepronunciationhocher de la tête
to point pointerpronunciationpointer
to pull tirerpronunciationtirer
to punch donner un coup de poingpronunciationdonner un coup de poing
to push pousserpronunciationpousser
to rub frotterpronunciationfrotter
to run courirpronunciationcourir
to scream crierpronunciationcrier
to shake secouerpronunciationsecouer
to shake hands serrer la mainpronunciationserrer la main
to shake your head secouer la têtepronunciationsecouer la tête
to shout hurlerpronunciationhurler
to shrug hausser des épaulespronunciationhausser des épaules
to sing chanterpronunciationchanter
to sit s'asseoirpronunciations
to slap giflerpronunciationgifler
to smell sentirpronunciationsentir
to smile sourirepronunciationsourire
to sneeze éternuerpronunciationéternuer
to stand se tenir deboutpronunciationse tenir debout
to stretch s'étirerpronunciations
to swallow avalerpronunciationavaler
to swim nagerpronunciationnager
to talk parlerpronunciationparler
to taste goûterpronunciationgoûter
to touch toucherpronunciationtoucher
to turn tournerpronunciationtourner
to walk marcherpronunciationmarcher
to wave saluerpronunciationsaluer
to whisper chuchoterpronunciationchuchoter
to wink faire un clin d'œilpronunciationfaire un clin d
to yawn bâillerpronunciationbâiller
to clean nettoyerpronunciationnettoyer
to wipe essuyeressuyer
to breathe respirerpronunciationrespirer
to read lirepronunciationlire
to fall tomberpronunciationtomber
to drive conduirepronunciationconduire
to cut couperpronunciationcouper
to sew coudrepronunciationcoudre

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