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The Filipino word for father is


Translations for father and their definitions

     1. n. father
     2. n. (figurative) founder; organizer
     3. n. senior; older
     4. n. sire
     5. n. mistress; housewife
     6. n. governess; caretaker of children
     7. adv. rarely; seldom
     8. n. (Chinese Filipino, colloquial) paternal grandmother; paternal grandma
           (coord, angkong)
     9. n. (Chinese Filipino, colloquial) (term of address for one's paternal grandmother)

     1. n. father (one's male parent)

     1. n. (colloquial) (honorific used before the name of an elderly man): Mister
           Manong Juan - Mister John
     2. n. (colloquial) (term of address for an elderly man); mister
     3. n. a male elder; old man

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