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     [1] zeitlich später
     [2] direkt dahinter
     [1] nachdem
          [1] After the game started, she started getting headaches.
            Nachdem das Spiel anfing, bekam sie Kopfweh.
     [1] lokal: hinter, nach
     [2] temporal: nach
          [1] It followed one person after another.
            Es folgte eine Person nach der anderen.
          [2] We had a few beers after the game.
            Nach dem Spiel tranken wir ein paar Biere.
     [1] „they have“: sie haben
          [1] They've got what it takes.
            Sie haben das Zeug dazu.
          [1] Personalpronomen 3. Person Plural Subjektform: sie
          [2] Menschen im Allgemeinen
          [3] (geschlechtsneutrales) Personalpronomen 3. Person Singular Subjektform: er/sie
               [1] They are going to the movies.
                 Sie gehen ins Kino.
               [2] They say rock is dead.
                 Sie sagen, Rock ist tot. oder Es wird behauptet, Rock sei tot.
               [3] And whoso fyndeth hym out of swich blame, / They wol come up and offre a Goddés name, / And I assoille hem by the auctoriee / Which that by bulle y-graunted was to me.
               [3] There's not a man I meet but doth salute me / As if I were their well-acquainted friend.
               [3] Then shalt thou bring forth that man or that woman, which have committed that wicked thing, unto thy gates, even that man or that woman, and shalt stone them with stones, till they die.
                 so sollst du den Mann oder das Weib ausführen, die solches Übel getan haben, zu deinem Tor und sollst sie zu Tode steinigen.
               [3] ‘No – there was some one in the cab.’ The only attenuation she could think of was after a minute to add: ‘But they didn't come up.’
            [1] haben; besitzen; zur Verfügung haben
            [2] erfahren, erleben
            [3] (eine Sprache, ein Fach) kennen, können
            [4] betont, oft passiv; umgangssprachlich: (jemanden) betrugen
            [5] salopp: (jemanden) ficken
            mit Mittelwörtern der Vergangenheit:
              [6] erleiden, erfahren (unfreiwillig etwas Schlechtes erfahren): someone had [object] [past participle] = jemandem wurde [das Objekt] [Partizip Perfekt] (siehe die Beispiele)
              [7] machen, dass etwas geschieht; veranlassen, dass jemand etwas tut; lassen: someone had [object] [past participle] = jemand lässt/ließ [das Objekt] [Infinitiv] (siehe die Beispiele)
            [8] nur aktiv, mit einem Infinitiv ohne to: veranlassen (befehlen oder bitten), dass jemand etwas tut: someone had [object] [infinitive] = jemand hat [Objekt] dazu gezwungen, zu [Infinitiv]
            [9] veranstalten
            [10] nur aktiv: essen, trinken
            [11] hauptsächlich aktiv: haben, (eine Eigenschaft wie Gnade oder Frechheit) durch Taten zeigen
            [12] nur aktiv: (ein Kind) gebären
            [13] nur aktiv: in einer bestimmten Lage oder Haltung halten
            [14] mit nachfolgendem to (und entweder einem Verb oder nichts): müssen
            [15] zur Bildung des Perfekts [15a] (present perfect), des Plusquamperfekts [15b] (past perfect) und des Perfektfuturs [15c] (future perfect)
            [16] zur Bildung des (periphrastischen) Vergangenheitskonjunktivs
            [17] selten, gehoben: Reichtum haben
               [1] I have a garden and a huge house.
                 Ich habe einen Garten und ein großes Haus.
               [1] I have two children.
                 Ich habe zwei Kinder.
               [1] You have thirty seconds to explain why you're here.
               [1] We don't have time to stay.
               [2] I had a good time.
                 Ich habe mich gut unterhalten.
               [2] I have a headache.
                 Ich habe Kopfschmerzen.
               [2] We almost had an accident on our way over.
               [3] Only I had failed to mention that Mitterand did not speak English. And Reagan has only a little French. An interpreter should have been called in.
               [4] He's just having you (on)!
               [4] I was had! / I've been had!
               [5] He brags about how many women he has had.
               [6] He had his car stolen.
                 Ihm wurde das Auto gestohlen.
               [7] He had his hair cut.
                 Er ließ sich die Haare schneiden.
               [8] Julian had me feed his cats while he was on vacation.
               [8] The police had the suspect put his hands up.
               [9] Michaela is having a party next weekend.
               [9] The candidates are having a debate next weekend.
               [9] My favourite bands are having a show next weekend.
               [10] I had a hamburger yesterday, so I'm having a salad today.
               [10] What did you have for breakfast?
               [10] We have dinner at 6 o'clock.
               [11] May God have mercy on your soul.
               [11] And now you have the nerve to say that?
                 Und jetzt hast du die Frechheit, das zu sagen?
               [12] She had her first child at age twenty.
               [12] The couple couldn't have children, so they adopted.
               [12] She's in the hospital having a baby!
               [13] I had her trapped. (She was trapped.)
               [13] I had the coins in a bag.
               [13] He had his back to them when they walked in, so they didn't recognise him at first.
               [14] We have to go.
                 Wir müssen gehen.
               [14] I didn't want to go, but my parents said I had to.
               [14] You don't have to do this! There has to be another way!
               [15] When she had finished her meal, she phoned her mother.
                 Als sie gegessen hatte, rief sie ihre Mutter an.
               [15a] I have read the book.
               [15b] He had read the book already.
               [15c] She will have read the book by the time the book club meets.
               [16] Had I known you were sick, I would have come. / If I had known you were sick, I would have come.
               [17] Some have; others have not.
     Konjugierte Form:
     Präteritum (simple past) des Verbs 'assemble'
     Partizip II:
     Partizip Perfekt (past participle) des Verbs 'assemble'
          zusammensetzen, versammeln
     [1] Personalpronomen 3. Person Plural Subjektform: sie
     [2] Menschen im Allgemeinen
     [3] (geschlechtsneutrales) Personalpronomen 3. Person Singular Subjektform: er/sie
          [1] They are going to the movies.
            Sie gehen ins Kino.
          [2] They say rock is dead.
            Sie sagen, Rock ist tot. oder Es wird behauptet, Rock sei tot.
          [3] And whoso fyndeth hym out of swich blame, / They wol come up and offre a Goddés name, / And I assoille hem by the auctoriee / Which that by bulle y-graunted was to me.
          [3] There's not a man I meet but doth salute me / As if I were their well-acquainted friend.
          [3] Then shalt thou bring forth that man or that woman, which have committed that wicked thing, unto thy gates, even that man or that woman, and shalt stone them with stones, till they die.
            so sollst du den Mann oder das Weib ausführen, die solches Übel getan haben, zu deinem Tor und sollst sie zu Tode steinigen.
          [3] ‘No – there was some one in the cab.’ The only attenuation she could think of was after a minute to add: ‘But they didn't come up.’
     [1] Sitz in einem Auto, Sitzplatz in öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln oder im Theater
     [2] Gesäß
     [3] der Teil eines Gegenstandes auf dem man sitzen kann
     [1] unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, einen
          [1] I can see a car and a plane.
            Ich kann ein Auto und ein Flugzeug sehen.
          [1] Yesterday we met an Afro-Carribean.
            Gestern haben wir einen Afro-Kariben getroffen.
     [1] Kreis als geometrische Form
     [2] Zirkel, eine Gruppe von Personen
     [1] um … herum, rund um, ringsum
          [1] She put her arms around the child.
            Sie legte ihre Arme um das Kind.
          [1] The children are sitting around the table.
            Die Kinder sitzen um den Tisch (herum).
     [1] desto, um so
     [1a] the … the: je …, desto
     [1b] all the: um so
     [1] bestimmter Artikel, unabhängig von Numerus, Genus (Geschlecht) und Kasus (Fall)
          [1] I'm sitting in the garden.
          ..Ich sitze im Garten.
     [1] Hut
          [1] Today the sun shines bright and because of the sun protection i wear my hat.
            Heute scheint die Sonne hell, und wegen des Sonnenschutzes trage ich meinen Hut.
Wörterbuch-Einträge aus Wiktionary