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Word and Radical Components of 磨边机

The Chinese word 磨边机 is analysed below into its constituent words and the words into radicals. By seeing the breakdown of the word in this way you can more easily learn and recognise the word.

磨边机 ⇨ 磨 + 边 + 机
Component Pinyin Meanings
1. to grind; to sharpen
2. to rub; to chafe
3. to wear away; to obliterate
4. to wear out; to wear down; to erode
5. to dawdle; to waste (time)
6. to pester; to plague (someone)
7. grinder; mill
8. to grind; to mill
9. to turn around
10. (Cantonese) to waste time
11. (Teochew) to approach
1. Variant of 邊
1. Variant of 機
jī, jǐ 2. Alternative form of 几 (small table; stool)

磨 ⇨ 麻 + 石
Component Pinyin Meanings
1. general name for hemp, flax, jute, etc.
     大麻 - hemp; cannabis
     黃麻 - jute
     亞麻 - flax
2. hemp fibre; linen
     麻布 - sackcloth; linen
     麻繩 - hemp rope
3. (historical, obsolete) hemp band worn on the head or waist by the a mourner
4. mourning garment; mourning apparel
     披麻戴孝 - to wear the hemp garments of mourning
5. (historical) imperial edict
6. Short for 芝麻, sesame
     麻油 - sesame oil
7. numerous; chaotic
8. coarse; rough
9. spotty; pitted
     麻雀 - sparrow
10. (TCM) Short for 麻疹, measles
11. pockmark; pock
     麻子 - pockmark; pockmarked person
     麻臉 - pockmarked face
12. numb; senseless
     麻痺 - paralysis
     麻藥 - anesthetic
      。 - My legs have gone numb while sitting.
13. (of foods) having the taste like one of Sichuan pepper
     麻辣 - Sichuan pepper-y and spicy
     舌頭 發麻 - to have a tingling tongue
shí 1. stone; rock
2. (Cantonese) gem; jewel; jade
      - Shih Yang (a pirate leader who terrorized the China Seas during the early 19th century)

边 ⇨ 辶 + 力
Component Pinyin Meanings
chuò 1. to walk for a while and be still for a while
1. physical strength; physical power; energy
      驚人。 - For a small woman she has surprising strength.
2. force; strength; power
     汽力 - steam power
     藥力 - efficacy of a drug
     力量 - power
     攻擊力 - firepower
3. (physics) force
      方向 位移 xiāng。 - This force is the same direction as the displacement.
4. ability; capability
     能力 - ability
      古董 鑑賞 。 - He has an eye for antiques.
5. power and influence; might
6. (literary) to make an effort; to strive; to endeavor; to work hard
7. with all one's might; doing all in one's power
     力爭 - to work hard for
     力挽狂瀾 - to do one's utmost to save a desperate situation

机 ⇨ 木 + 几
Component Pinyin Meanings
1. tree; woody plant
     樹木 - tree
     灌木 - shrub
     木芍藥 - tree peony
2. wood; timber
     木頭tou - log
3. wooden
      桌子 。 - This table is made of wood
4. simple; plain; slow; emotionless; wooden
     木訥 - plain spoken, slow and inarticulate
     棺木 - coffin
     就木 - to die (to enter one's coffin)
5. (Mandarin, neologism, slang) (eye dialect of zh, 沒)
     有木有 - innit, damn right
6. numb
     麻木 - numb, insensitive
      手指 。 - Her fingers were numb with cold.
jī, jǐ 1. long narrow table; bench
2. small table
     茶几 - tea table
3. Simplified form of 幾
4. Variant of 人
5. Variant of 明
6. Variant of ?