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Word and Radical Components of 瀑布

The Chinese word 瀑布 is analysed below into its constituent words and the words into radicals. By seeing the breakdown of the word in this way you can more easily learn and recognise the word.

Component Pinyin Meanings
瀑布 pùbù, bàobù 1. n. waterfall (a flow of water over the edge of a cliff)

瀑布 ⇨ 瀑 + 布
Component Pinyin Meanings
1. waterfall
bào 2. heavy rain
3. (river in Henan province)
1. cloth; textiles
     棉布 - cotton cloth
2. to announce; to proclaim
     宣布 - to declare, to proclaim, to announce
3. to spread
     遍布 - to be found everywhere, to be spread all over
     烏雲密布 - overcast
     老人 布滿 皺紋。 - The old man's face is full of wrinkles.
4. to deploy; to set out
     布署 - to lay out; to deploy
      圈套 - to set up a trap

布 ⇨ + 巾
Component Pinyin Meanings
jīn 1. turban
2. a square item of cloth; towel; kerchief
3. (historical) piece of clothing worn on the head in China