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Characters using the Radical 广

Word Components Pinyin Meanings
广⺍一 1. Variant of 應
广林 1. general name for hemp, flax, jute, etc.
     大麻 - hemp; cannabis
     黃麻 - jute
     亞麻 - flax
2. hemp fibre; linen
     麻布 - sackcloth; linen
     麻繩 - hemp rope
3. (historical, obsolete) hemp band worn on the head or waist by the a mourner
4. mourning garment; mourning apparel
     披麻戴孝 - to wear the hemp garments of mourning
5. (historical) imperial edict
6. Short for 芝麻, sesame
     麻油 - sesame oil
7. numerous; chaotic
8. coarse; rough
9. spotty; pitted
     麻雀 - sparrow
10. (TCM) Short for 麻疹, measles
11. pockmark; pock
     麻子 - pockmark; pockmarked person
     麻臉 - pockmarked face
12. numb; senseless
     麻痺 - paralysis
     麻藥 - anesthetic
      。 - My legs have gone numb while sitting.
13. (of foods) having the taste like one of Sichuan pepper
     麻辣 - Sichuan pepper-y and spicy
     舌頭 發麻 - to have a tingling tongue
广廿又 duó, duò 1. Used to indicate location of something.
     度度 - everywhere
     唔通 鎖匙si4 ? - Can it be that I left the key in the car?
      - walk near to him/her
2. approximately; around
     Synonyms: 左右
      dou6-2 - around 2 pounds
3. Variant of 宅
广占 diàn 1. shop; store
      禮拜 外套。 - I got a new coat in that store last week.
      家具 挑選。 - That store has a good selection of furniture.
2. inn
     客店 - small hotel; inn
     旅店 - small hotel; inn
3. (used in place names)
     駐馬店 - Zhumadian
广隶 kāng 1. peaceful and happy; tranquil
2. healthy; well; strong
3. prosperous; plentiful; abundant
4. broad; vast; smooth; level
5. (obsolete) hollow; empty
6. (obsolete) Original form of 糠 (chaff; husk)
7. (Chinese mythology) Tai Kang (third king of the semi-legendary Xia dynasty)
     Synonyms: 太康
8. (Chinese mythology) Zhong Kang (fourth king of the semi-legendary Xia dynasty)
     Synonyms: 仲康
9. (Chinese mythology) Shao Kang (sixth king of the semi-legendary Xia dynasty)
     Synonyms: 少康
      -wéi - Kang Youwei
10.    (historical) . given to people from the Central Asian country of Kangju (tr=-)
11. (place, zh, historic region, ar/Tibet, t1=Kham)
12. (Internet slang) Alternative form of 看 (to look; to see)
广氐 1. bottom; underneath; underside
2. ground; background
3. ins and outs; actual situation
4. master copy
5. end (of a year or month)
     六月 - end of June -
6. remnants; remains; leftovers
7. (Min Nan) inside
      - in the congee, MN-T -
8. (mathematics) base (of triangle, logarithm, etc.)
9. (Cantonese) staple food as the base of a meal
     伊麵 - e-fu noodles as the base (e.g., for lobster) -
     加底 - to add rice in a meal -
10. (Hong Kong Cantonese) tendency in one's personality; leaning
     燥底 - having a bad temper -
     紅底 - having pro-CCP leanings -
     Mem1 - having a masochistic side -
11. (Hong Kong Cantonese) criminal record
      - His criminal record is all dirty and messy.
12. (Cantonese) underpants
     紅底 - red underpants -
     lou6 - to expose one's underpants -
13. Short for 底細
de 14. (Min) which; what
广坐 zuò 1. seat
     讓座 - to give up one's seat -
2. stand; base
3. Short for 星座, constellation
     天蠍座 - Scorpio -
4. (Hong Kong Cantonese) room number in an residential building
     十八 lau4-2 Csi1 - Eighteenth Floor Block C
广木 chuáng 1. bed; couch
2. framework; chassis
     車床 - lathe
     牙床 - gingiva
3. (Teochew, Leizhou Min, Hainanese, Puxian Min, Zhongshan Min) table
4. (obsolete) rails of the well
5. bottom; bed
     河床 - riverbed
     岩床 - sill
      棉被 - one cotton-wadded quilt
广车 1. Simplified form of 庫
广大 1. Simplified form of 慶
广肀口 táng 1. Used in 荒唐; to exaggerate; to boast
2. (literary) exaggerative; boastful
3. (obsolete) vast; wide; extensive
4. (obsolete) road inside temple
5. (literary) in vain; to no avail
6. 50th tetragram of the Taixuanjing; "vastness, emptiness, pointlessness" (?)
7. Tang Dynasty (618–907)
     唐詩 - Tang poetry
8. Later Tang (923–937), the second of the Five Dynasties during the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period
     Synonyms: 後唐
9. Southern Tang (937–976), a state in Southern China that existed during Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period
     Synonyms: 南唐
10. Tang, a legendary ancient Chinese dynasty established by Emperor Yao
     Synonyms: 陶唐
11. (figurative) China
     唐人 - Chinese person
12. (obsolete) (Alternative form 蓎) dodder
13. (place, zh, t=Down, county, cc/Northern Ireland, c/UK)
      - - Tang Chun-i (20th-century Chinese philosopher)
广发 1. Simplified form of 廢
2. Simplified form of 癈
广廿巾 1. seat
2. Alternative form of 蓆 (woven mat made of bamboo strips or grass)
3. food of a banquet
广土 1. Simplified form of 莊
2. Variant of 廡
广廷 tíng 1. courtyard
2. front yard
3. big hall
4. law court
5. middle of the forehead
广付 1. (historical) government repository
2. warehouse; storehouse; stores
3. (historical) organs of state power
4. (historical) official residence
5. (literary, honorific) your residence
6. (historical) an East Asian administrative division of various status over the centuries, usually translated as prefecture or commandery
7.    province of Thailand
8. prefectural capital
9. prefect
广廿灬 shù 1. numerous; many
2. common; ordinary; without title or rank; pertaining to a commoner
     庶人 - commoner
3. (chiefly historical) pertaining to concubinage (a concept in the polygynous practices of traditional Chinese society)
4.    (especially) born by a concubine or illegitimate partner
1. Simplified form of 礦