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Chinese Word of the Day

dǎ hā qiàn



Chinese > English
打哈欠dǎ hāqian
     1. v. to yawn
English > Chinese
     1. 打哈欠
     2. 大裂口
     3. 打著哈欠说
     4. 哈欠
     5. 张开大口
     6. 裂缝
     7. 呵欠
     1. to hit; to strike; to slap; to beat
           別 打 人。 - Don't hit people.
           打 蚊子 - to swat mosquitoes
           把 飛機 打 下來 - to shoot down an airplane
           )” means “to beat (擊)”. Belongs to hand radical (手) and is pronounced like 丁 (*teŋ)., ref=Shuowen
     2.    to play the drums
     3.   打 鼓 - to play the drums
     4. to fight; to attack
           打架 - to come to blows; to fight
           二戰 德國 為什麼 要 打 蘇聯? - In World War II, why did Germany attack the Soviet Union?
     5. the act of beating up
           他 挨 了 一 頓 打。 - He was beaten up.
     6. (Used as a dummy verb to make a verbal phrase from a noun, including but not limited to:)
     7.    to perform (a martial art)
     8.   打 太極拳 - to perform Tai Chi
     9.    to get; to fetch
     10.   打 水 - to get water
     11.    to buy (meat, soy sauce, oil, etc. at a grocery store)
     12.   打.醬油 - to buy soy sauce
     13.    to guess; (the riddle) is about
     14.   打 一 人物 - to guess a person
     15.    to make (a gesture, signal, etc.)
     16.   打 招呼 - to say hello
     17.   打呵欠 - to yawn
     18.   打 右燈 - to put on the right turn signal (when driving)
     19.    to fabricate; to build
     20.   打 刀 - to make a knife
     21.   打 牆 - to build a wall
     22.   打 毛衣 - to knit a sweater
     23.    to stir
     24.   打 算盤 - to calculate with an abacus
     25.   打 方向盤 - to turn a steering wheel
     26.   打 蛋daan6-2 - to whip an egg
     27.    to break
     28.   我 把 暖壺 打 了。 - I broke the vacuum flask.
     29.   碗 打 了 - the bowl was broken by someone/something
     30.   雞飛蛋打 - having lost everything
     31.    to open
     32.   打 帳子 - to open (or set up) the bed curtains
     33.   打開 - to open
     34.    to dig
     35.   打 井 - to dig a well
     36.    to send or call
     37.   打 電報 - to send a telegraph
     38.   打.電話 - to call on the telephone
     39.   打 手機 - to call on the cellphone
     40.   到 咗 機場 就 打 畀 我。 - Call me when you arrive at the airport.
     41.   對不bu起,打 錯 了。 - Sorry, I got the wrong number.
     42.    to pump (a tire, etc.); to inject
     43.   打 氣 - to pump air into something
     44.   打 疫苗 - to give a vaccine
     45.    打 顯影劑 - to inject IV contrast -
     46.    (involving gunpowder) to fire off; to set off; to attack
     47.   打 槍 - to fire a gun (mainly used in China)
     48.   打 炮仗zhang - to set off a firecracker
     49.    (vulgar) to perform sexual activity
     50.   打炮 - to have sex
     51.   打手槍 - to masturbate
     52.    to gather
     53.   打成一片 - to get along well with everyone else
     54.    to attach
     55.   打.蠟 - to wax
     56.   打 補丁 - to patch up
     57.    to lift
     58.   打 燈籠 - to carry a lighted lantern
     59.    to bite (said of insects that eat books, clothes)
     60.    to write
     61.   打 證明 - to write out a testimonial
     62.   打 介紹信 - to write a recommendation letter
     63.    to paint; to stamp
     64.   打 格子 - to draw a grid
     65.   打 郵戳 - to postmark
     66.    (computer) to type
     67.   「啲\od的i1」 字 點 打daa2? - How do you type "(m, zh, 啲, o的"?)
     68.    to display (text, an image, etc.)
     69.   屏幕 上 打 出 兩 行háng 字。 - Two lines of text display on the screen.
     70.    to use (a computer, usually for entertainment)
     71.   打 電腦 - to use a computer
     72.    to play (a video game or console)
     73.   打 電動 - to play video game
     74.    to play (a sport involving balls with hand)
     75.   打 壁球 - to play squash
     76.   打 一 場 輸 一 場 - play a round and lose a round
     77.   打波 - to play a ball game
     78.    to play (mahjong or poker, etc.)
     79.   打 麻雀zoek3-2 - to play mahjong
     80.   打 撲pú克kèr - to play poker, M-UIB
     81.   打牌 - to play cards or mahjong
     82.    to tie (attention, zh, only refers to tying specific types of things?)
     83.   打 領結 - to tie a bowtie
     84.   打 煲呔 - to tie a bowtie
     85.    to reduce
     86.   打.價 - to bargain
     87.    to remove
     88.   打.蟲 - to kill insects
     89.    to stop
     90.   打住 - to stop
     91.    to mark, to attach
     92.   打 個 標籤 - to tag
     93. (Cantonese) to correspond to; to be associated with
     1. (of fish) many; plenteous
     2. (of a fish's mouth) opening; moving
     3. (onomatopoeia) (sound of laughter:) ha
     4. (exclamation of triumph, etc.:) ha!
     5. (dialectal) (Sentence-final particle softening the request.)
     6. to breathe out
     7. (Taiwan Min Nan) to drink (hot tea)
     8. Short for 哈薩克斯坦, gloss=Kazakhstan
     9. Short for 哈爾濱, gloss=Harbin
     10. (chiefly Mandarin Jin colloquial) to bend; to stoop
     11. (Beijing) to scold; to reprimand
     12. Only used in 哈巴 (Pekingese; pug, tr=hǎba)
     13. (mainly among Hui people)
     14. (zh-used2, c)
     15. Only used in 哈喇 (gloss=a kind of top-quality woollen goods produced in Russia)
     16. (Southwestern Mandarin, Xiang) silly; stupid
     17. (Southwestern Mandarin) to tickle
     18. Only used in 哈士蟆
     19. Only used in 哈巴 (gloss=knee bending when walking)
     20. Alternative form of 喝 (to drink)
     21. Alternative form of 呷
     22. Used in place names
     23. Variant of 歃
     24. Variant of ?
     1. (literary) to drink (blood); to suck (blood); to smear (blood) on the mouth
           歃血 - to smear the mouth with the blood of a sacrifice -
     2. (Xiamen, &, Quanzhou Hokkien) to eat (snacks, etc. in an undignified manner)
     1. to yawn
     2. to lack; to be deficient
     3. to owe
     4. to ask for; to beg for
           欠揍 - asking for a beating
     5. (Wuhan) to miss somebody
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dǎ hā qiàn

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