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The Vietnamese word for book is


Translations for book and their definitions

thuê phòng
     1. to book

     1. n. book

     1. n. notebook, register book
     2. v. to slip away, to escape from
     3. n. (calligraphy) vertical stroke
           nét sổ ngang - horziontal stroke
           nét sổ dọc - vertical stroke

sách giáo khoa
     1. n. a textbook

chạy trốn
     1. v. to flee; to run away; to take flight

     1. n. pad
     2. n. ream (of paper)
     3. n. set, collection, section
     4. n. volume (of a book series)
     5. n. episode (of a TV series)
     6. n. booklet
     7. n. (colloquial) prequel or sequel
     8. v. to practice, to drill, to learn, to do exercise, to exercise oneself, to cultivate, to accustom oneself to

     1. classifier. synonym of cuốn

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